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Interested in applying for 1) the non-degree certificate program or 2) the Ph.D. degree in Peace Studies at Payap University? Please Contact Us. For customized peace programs, please Contact Us. For information about our latest events, please visit Latest Activities. Thank you.

The DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES (DPS) provides the academic program for the Doctorate. The PhD program in Peace Studies at Payap University, Chiangmai, is accepting applications for the First Semester (August) and Second Semester (January).

The activities of the Department of Peace Studies (DPS) include, among others, the following:

  1. Formal Ph.D. courses
  2. Dissertation Promotion Seminars
  3. Peace Studies Present
  4. Peer Mentoring Program
  5. Monograph Seris
  6. Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, and Peace
  7. Others, as they arise and as necessary

For more information about the Ph.D. program and the Department of Peace Studies, please Contact Us.

Official Logo of the Religion, Culture, and Peace Laboratory (RCP Lab)

The RELIGION, CULTURE, AND PEACE LABORATORY (also known as the “RCP Lab”) is the arm of the Department of Peace Studies that provides peace-related extra-curricular activities for conscientization, empowerment, as well as for community engagement.

Its activities include, among others, the following:

  1. Workshop on Meditation for Mental Health
  2. Buddhist-Christian Women Interfaith Dialogue, Mutual Support, and Cooperation for Community Peacebuilding
  3. Financial Assistance Program for Ph.D. Students
  4. Journalism for Peacebuilding
  5. Workshop for the Emotional, SPiritual, and Creative Development of Peacebuilders
  6. Interfaith Dialogue
  7. Intercultural Understanding
  8. Workshop in Creativity, Innovation, Reflective Practice and Resilience in Peacebuilding
  9. Workshop on Storytelling
  10. Others, as they arise and as necessary

For more information about the Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab, please Contact Us.

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