Publication Requirements

Interested in applying for 1) the non-degree certificate program or 2) the Ph.D. degree in Peace Studies at Payap University? Please Contact Us. For customized peace programs, please Contact Us. For information about our latest events, please visit Latest Activities. Thank you.

Important Notice:

Create new knowledge in your research. Listen to, understand, and follow the advice of your main dissertation adviser (from the start) and committee members (usually starting when your main adviser says your draft proposal is good enough for you to defend your proposal formally with everyone in your committee) as well as the constructive feedback of the external committee members (starting from the actual defense and revisions thereafter). Note that each case is different. Your main adviser takes the lead. There are no hard and fast rules. Follow the requirements and author guidelines of your professors, department, college, university, and journals to whom and to which you are submitting your papers. Each university and each journal have different author guidelines. All the best in your research, writing, and publishing endeavors. Be encouraged.

Publication in Prestigious Indexed Journals

  1. Note that our Ph.D. students are required to publish at least one article in SCOPUS, Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) indexed TCI journals with at least three reviewers as well as OHEC listed journals in order to get their Ph.D. diplomas. The earlier you publish, the better. In that way, you can focus on your Ph.D. dissertation research work. Note that sometimes you have to wait for a couple of years before you hear news from the editor-in-chief or publisher. Not all responses from editors are positive.
  2. Look at the list of OHEC recognized journals for your publication.
  3. ALWAYS Double-Check if a journal is indexed in Scopus in Scientific Journal Rankings (SJR), TCI, or other recognized indices.
  4. Asian Affairs: An American Review (TCI)
  5. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand (TCI)
  6. Asian International Studies Review (Scopus)
  7. Asian Journal of Peacebuilding (Scopus)
  8. Assumption University Journals (Scopus, TCI Tier 1 & TCI Tier 2).
  9. Journal of Asian Public Policy
  10. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) of Naresuan University (TCI)
  11. Journal of Human Rights and Peace, Mahidol University (TCI)
  12. Payap University Journal (TCI). Author Guidelines. Payap University Journal template. Click here for Payap University Journal online submission, after registering and logging in. Payap University Journal
  13. Prajñā Vihāra : Journal of Philosophy and Religion, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand (TCI)
  14. Saengtham College Journal: Journal of Philosophy, Religion, Theology, and Education (TCI)
  15. SUVANNABHUMI: Multi-disciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (SCOPUS)
  16. All the best in your academic and research publications!