Intentions and Interreligious Prayers for World Peace

In the wake of armed conflicts happening in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East (West Asia) today, we organized a hybrid gathering held on December 8, 2023. Traditional leaders offered atheist intentions for peace and religious prayers in alphabetical order: Atheism, Baha’i, Buddhism (Ajan PhraWoot; Ajan Phra KK and his 10 student-monks), Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, and others.

FULL VIDEO: Friday, December 8, 2023, from 11 am to 12 noon, Interreligious Prayers for World Peace & Goodwill to All Human and Sentient Beings Amidst Ongoing Conflicts

Baha’i Prayer
By Leah Gentille
Baha’i Center in Chiang Mai

O Thou kind Lord! Thou hast created all humanity from the same stock. Thou hast decreed that all shall belong to the same household. In Thy Holy Presence they are all Thy servants, and all mankind are sheltered beneath Thy Tabernacle; all have gathered together at Thy Table of Bounty; all are illumined through the light of Thy Providence.

O God! Thou art kind to all, Thou hast provided for all, dost shelter all, conferrest life upon all. Thou hast endowed each and all with talents and faculties, and all are submerged in the Ocean of Thy Mercy.

O Thou kind Lord! Unite all. Let the religions agree and make the nations one, so that they may see each other as one family and the whole earth as one home. May they all live together in perfect harmony.

O God! Raise aloft the banner of the oneness of mankind.

O God! Establish the Most Great Peace.

Cement Thou, O God, the hearts together.

O Thou kind Father, God! Gladden our hearts through the fragrance of Thy love. Brighten our eyes through the Light of Thy Guidance. Delight our ears with the melody of Thy Word, and shelter us all in the Stronghold of Thy Providence.

Thou art the Mighty and Powerful, Thou art the Forgiving and Thou art the One Who overlooketh the shortcomings of all mankind. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (The Promulgation of Universal Peace)

Here’s the one that Timmy Merchant in Chiang Rai shared:

O Thou compassionate Lord, Thou Who art generous and able! We are servants of Thine sheltered beneath Thy providence. Cast Thy glance of favor upon us. Give light to our eyes, hearing to our ears, and understanding and love to our hearts. Render our souls joyous and happy through Thy glad tidings. O Lord! Point out to us the pathway of Thy kingdom and resuscitate all of us through the breaths of the Holy Spirit. Bestow upon us life everlasting and confer upon us never-ending honor. Unify mankind and illumine the world of humanity. May we all follow Thy pathway, long for Thy good pleasure and seek the mysteries of Thy kingdom. O God! Unite us and connect our hearts with Thine indissoluble bond. Verily, Thou art the Giver, Thou art the Kind One and Thou art the Almighty.


(The Promulgation of Universal Peace) 

and lastly, the words from the Universal House of Justice in simple text and graphic formats:

“Prayer and acts of service may seem like a feeble and slow response when weapons of destruction are fired; they are, however, the means by which, ultimately, those weapons will be silenced forever.”    The Universal House of Justice

Buddhism Praying & Chanting
By Phra Woot

Phra Woot Sumedho
-Thai Buddhist monk
Located at Wat Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Sawan province, Lower of Northern Thailand.
-Volunteer of Ki-la-na-Dham group; Mental and spiritual support for patients and their family in the hospitals. -Currently hold PCC credential (Professional Certified Coach) from International Coaching Federation.

Jaya Gāthā (victory protection)

Mahā kāruniko nātho – the Buddha, the refuge of all beings, with great compassion hitāya sabba pāninang pūretvā pārami sabbā – He fulfilled all the perfections for the welfare of all beings, patto sambodhi muttamang – He attained the enlightenment, Etena sacca vajena – by saying of this truth, hotu me (te) jaya mangalang – may all victory blessings be mine (you).

Jayanto bodhiyā mūle sakyānang nandi vaddhana Evang tvang vijayo hohi jayassu jaya mangale Aparā jita pallanke sīse patha vipokkhare Abiseke sabba buddhānang aggappatto pamodati

The victory, defeating Mara at the foot of the Bodhi tree, he attained the accomplished one, rejoiced above the highest throne at the lotus leaf of the world, increased delight of the Sakyans, may all victory blessings be mine. Sunak khattang sumangalang – the time of good deeds: auspicious time Supa-bhātang suhut-thitang – bright, lucky dawn Sukhano sumuhutto ca – and lucky moment Suyitthang brahmma cārīsu – right worship Padak-khinang kāya kammang – auspicious bodily acts Vācā kammang padak-khinang – auspicious speech Padak-khinang mano kammang – auspicious mind Panidhī te padak-khinā – auspicious intentions Padak-khināni katvāna – for those who perform auspicious deeds Labhang-tatthe pada-khine – always obtain benefits and happiness.

If individuals lack inner peace, external peace will struggle to establish itself. The Pali term “santi,” synonymous with Nibbana, originally signifies inner peace, but contemporary perceptions often focus on national or conflict-free peace. Achieving both inner and outer peace is crucial, as emphasized by UNESCO and Buddhism. The link between the two is evident in the Buddhist perspective: realizing Nibbana leads to a life dedicated to the welfare of others, promoting external peace. During the early years, the Buddha sent out fully awakened disciples with the following instruction: “Bhikkhus, wander off for the welfare and happiness of the manyfolk, for the compassionate assistance of the world’ (caratha bhikkhave carikam bahujanahitaya bahujanasukhaya lokanukampaya)

Encouraging wisdom and understanding of causality is vital for individuals to harmonize with nature and society. Education, viewed as holistic development, is key to achieving genuine peace, making it a central theme in Buddhism for World Peace. Ultimately, Buddhism aims at both inner and outer peace, characterized by harmonious living.

I wish to express my appreciation to the board of directors of the Peace Studies & religion, culture, and Peace Laboratory (RCPL) International College, Payap university who have coordinated this event.May peace and Happiness be realized by all of you – indeed, by the entire planet in accord with your aspirations.

Jaya Gāthā (victory protection)

Mahā kāruniko nātho – the Buddha, the refuge of all beings, with great compassion
hitāya sabba pāninang pūretvā pārami sabbā – He fulfilled all the perfections for the welfare of all beings,
patto sambodhi muttamang – He attained the enlightenment,
Etena sacca vajena – by saying of this truth,
hotu me (te) jaya mangalang – may all victory blessings be mine (you).

Jayanto bodhiyā mūle sakyānang nandi vaddhana
Evang tvang vijayo hohi jayassu jaya mangale
Aparā jita pallanke sīse patha vipokkhare
Abiseke sabba buddhānang aggappatto pamodati

The victory, defeating Mara at the foot of the Bodhi tree, he attained the accomplished one, rejoiced above the highest throne at the lotus leaf of the world, increased delight of the Sakyans, may all victory blessings be mine.

Sunak khattang sumangalang – the time of good deeds: auspicious time
Supa-bhātang suhut-thitang – bright, lucky dawn
Sukhano sumuhutto ca – and lucky moment
Suyitthang brahmma cārīsu – right worship
Padak-khinang kāya kammang – auspicious bodily acts
Vācā kammang padak-khinang – auspicious speech
Padak-khinang mano kammang – auspicious mind
Panidhī te padak-khinā – auspicious intentions
Padak-khināni katvāna – for those who perform auspicious deeds
Labhang-tatthe pada-khine – always obtain benefits and happiness.

Inter-religious Prayers for World Peace and Good Will to Human and Sentient Beings Amidst Ongoing Conflicts. Read by Rev. Grace Moon, Christian Conference of Asia
On 8 December 2023

Christian Prayer:

God of love,
we know that you are here now, and yesterday you were, and tomorrow you will be, and forever.
Your presence is our security and our peace. Our trust in you is without limits.
You are the Lord of every oppressed and needy person.

God of mercy,
Today, we have so much conflicts, fights, wars in our global communities.
Help us to see the world through Your eyes, without dividing lines.
Help us to lay aside our race, our background, our culture and religion.
Help us to wear acceptance, forgiveness and compassion to lay down our pride and pain.
Help us to be more courageous to bring peace and reconciliation in our communities

We pray for the people who stand in the midst of chaos, powerlessness, looking for a safe shelter for their children.
May your love be a beacon of hope, a refuge for their weary souls.
Grant them resilience.
Wrap them in your protective embrace, and lead them to a place of peace, where their bare feet find rest and warmth.

Look with the eyes of your divine providence upon all who call on your name in these difficult times. Keep them in peace and security with your grace. Keep all evil plots away from us.
Send your angels to protect your people against any evil strikes.
Plant in us your peace that surpasses all understanding.
Gracious God, for all suffering today, heal their hearts and transform their minds.
Allow them to experience your presence in their lives.
Make them understand the wisdom from their suffering.

Dear Lord, there are no words to say. Our hearts are broken, but we trust in you, dear Lord of love and justice. Please be with us – give us real peace.

Holy Spirit, comfort us, and distinguish between good and evil. Goodness comes from the Most Holy Lord. We need Your unconditional love. Plants in us hearts of love, so peace can prevail.

We are your humble servants and we kneel before You today, helpless and weak.
We need Your hope for love, kindness and for a better life, Lord.
We ask that You fill us from head to toe with Your everlasting grace and love.
Bathe us in Your glory, Lord and show us that everything is according to Your plan.
Help us walk in Your glorious light and show us the path so that we may follow You in faith.

Lord, make us an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. God, grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

My prayer for children, women, adults and old age in Myanmar, Ukraine, Palestine, and all human beings in this world! Moon Light

Lord, please listen to our prayer! We have tried many times to resolve our conflicts by our own powers and forces. We have experienced bloodshed, hatred, and hopeless. Since you are the prince of Peace and God of Love, grant us peace, teach us peace; guide our steps in the way of peace. Give us the strength daily to be instruments of peace; enable us to see everyone as our brother or sister. Make us to be peacebuilders and fill our hearts with the courage to say, “I forgive you,” and “I love you.” Keep us alive with hope, and dialogue and reconciliation works!
In Your Holy Name! Amen.

Song: To Believe (Jackie Evancho)
Before I lay me down to rest
I ask the Lord one small request
I know I have all I could need
But this prayer is not for me
Too many people on this day
Don’t have a peaceful place to stay
Let all fighting cease that your children may
see peace
Wipe their tears of sorrow away
To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow’s counted
That you hear each cry and listen to each
Let me try always to believe
That we can hear the hearts that grieve
Please help us not ignore
The anguished cries of the poor
Or their pain will never leave
To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow’s counted
That you hear their cries and listen to each
Father, as you see, I’m just a child
And there’s so much to understand
But if Your Grace should surround me
Then I’ll do the best I can
I promise, I’ll do the very best I can
To believe in a day
When hunger and war will pass away
To have the hope amidst despair
That every sparrow’s counted
That you hear each cry and listen to each
Prayer {Hear each cry and listen to each
Help us do Your will Your Father
In the name of all that’s true
And we’ll see in one another
The loving image of You

Swamini Sarveswaran Nana Saraswatic Gurudeva Ji
Hindu Prayer and Chanting
Gurudeva Ashram, Chiang Mai

Esteemed Guests,

I am Swamini Sarveswaran Nanda Saraswati Gurudeva Ji, leader and founder of Gurudeva Ashram Chiang Mai. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr Rey for the honor of allowing me to participate in this event. Every time there is a religious activity or an exchange of perspectives, we always come together like this, and today is no exception.

I understand that we are here to exchange perspectives on “Living a Happy Life Every Day.” Indeed a happy life each day is a highly individual and personal mattr. I have read Mr Chai Na Pon’s books that touch upon the concepts of suffering and happiness, where diverse thoughts and perspectives are explored.

The writer has divided people’s perspectives into three groups. The first group is the foolish, who perceive suffering as happiness, maintaining it with the belief that it brings joy, leading to more distress.

The second group is the intelligent, recognizing suffering as suffering and struggling amidst it. The more they try, the more they encounter displeasure and enduring dissatisfaction.

The third group is the wise, acknowledging suffering’s inherent meaninglessness and discarding it, achieving freedom and lightness with ease.

The perspective of happiness, according to the principle of Hinduism, as stated in the Upanishads, emphasizes that to be free from suffering is to achieve liberation from the cycle of suffering. When liberated from suffering, one attains happiness — “Freedom from suffering is happiness instantly. In the Hinduism context, this state is referred to as “Moksha.”

“Moksha” in the perspective of Hindu philosophy refers to the inherent nature or state of being that is the ultimate essence of each individual. It is the realization of one’s true nature, which exists within each person. “Moksha” signifies liberation from all forms of suffering, leading to a state of tranquility, emptiness, and comfort. The concept emphasizes living in contentment, being satisfied with what is, and patiently waiting for what will come — “Live to be, cool enough, wait for what will be.”

Live to be” means adapting to the current reality.

Cool enough” advises against excessive worry, maintaining mental comfort by understanding the situation without being disturbed by the fires of greed, hatred, and delusion.

Wait for what will be” involves patience, allowing time for mindfulness to arise, and escaping from any form of entanglement. As the saying goes:

Freedom from suffering is happiness instantly,” as stated in the scriptures.

Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe

Sugandhim Pusstti-Vardhanam

Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan

Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-mrtaat.

The verse speaks of transcending the cycle of death and escaping from suffering entirely. Embracing acceptance, awareness, and virtuous conduct toward the divine, one achieves freedom from the fear of death and a deep understanding that leads to liberation from the entire cycle. Frredom from suffering brings instant happiness.

May the divine grant blessing. Hara Hara Mahadeva.