Instructional Videos on Research Methodology
- Social Science Research Methodology Playlist
- Dissertation Writing Workshop: Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
- Manuscript Drafting (2024 07 31 Video LIVE Recording, 1 hour)
- Manuscript Drafting (2024 07 31 Video of PPT)
- Manuscript Drafting (2024 02 10 Video)
- Manuscript Drafting (2023 07 11 Video).
- Manuscript Drafting (2023 Video).
- Methods and Methodology (2024 08 09 Video. LIVE Recording, 1 hour).
- Methods and Methodology (2024 08 09. Video of PPT, 15 minutes).
- ABC or Basics of Social Science Research
- Academic Articles vs. Research Articles: What’s the Difference?
- Academic Paper, Theoretical Framework Analytic Framework Conceptual Framework Definition of Terms
- AI, Religion & Ethics: An Auto-Ethnographic & Phenomenological Study
- Basic Concepts of Social Research
- Basic Template for a Research Article PPT Presentation
- Chapter 1: Problem Statement
- Chapter 1: Dissertation Writing, Research Methodology
- Chapter 1: Academic Paper, Theoretical Framework Analytic Framework Conceptual Framework Definition of Terms
- Chapter 1: Theory in Research
- Chapter 2: Literature Review
- Chapter 2: Literature Review (Zoom 1)
- Chapter 2: The Literature Review (Zoom 2)
- Chapter 2: Literature Review (Zoom 3)
- Chapter 2: Literature Review (Zoom 4)
- Chapter 3: Methodology, Research Designs, and Research Methods
- Chapter 3: Methodology, Research Methods, Paradigms, Data Collection & Data Analysis
- Chapter 3: Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 1)
- Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 2)
- Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 3)
- Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 4)
- Conducting Research
- Critical and Cultural Theories and Philosophy : A Critique
- Critical Theory & the African Diaspora on Postcolonial & Critical Race Theory
- Critical Theory, Postmodernism & Feminist Critique
- Critical Thinking
- Derrida in His Own Words
- Different Types of Research, Different Formats in Writing
- Doing Sociology: Research, Types of Knowledge & Scientific Knowledge
- Emic and Etic Approaches
- Epistemic Breaks & Paradigm Shifts in Knowledge Construction
- Epistemology and Research
- Evaluation Research
- Evaluation Research 2
- Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics
- Feminist Theories
- Five Traditions of Qualitative Research
- Framework for Knowledge Construction
- Freire on Critical Consciousness
- Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Design
- Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Research Methods. 2023 12 18.
- Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Research Methods (Lecture). 2023 12 18.
- Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Methods, 2023 10 17. Part 1. Part 2.
- Fundamentals of Research Methodologies and Research Methods. 2023 05 26
- Generating Grounded Theory from Qualitative Data
- Grounded Theory
- How to Write an Academic Paper
- Human Rights Based Approach to Development
- Husserl’s Phenomenology in His Own Words
- Language Learners and Human Rights
- Max Horkheimer on Critical Theory
- Orientalism and Postcolonialism: Meaning, Challenges & Opportunities
- Paradigms of Research
- Paradigms of Research
- Paradigms of Research: Positivism, Interpretivism, Critical Theory, and Social Change
- Peace Education Models
- Perry’s Intellectual and Ethical Development: A Critique
- Philosophy and Political Science: Are They The Same? On-the-Spot Response to a Student Inquiry
- Positivism, Critical Theory, Postcolonialism and Postcolonial Theory
- Postcolonialism and Postcolonial Theory: A Critique
- Qualitative Research
- Qualitative Research Design
- Qualitative Research Design: Make Mistakes, Coding, Member Check, and Peer Debriefing
- Qualitative Research Analysis and Interpretation
- Quantitative Research Design: Experimental and Non-Experimental (Zoom)
- Quantitative Research: Statistical Analysis (Zoom)
- Research Considerations
- Research Paradigms: From Measurements to Social Liberation
- Sociological Perspectives
- Storytelling as a Research Tool
- The Study of Society: Tools of Analysis
- Theoretical, Qualitative, and Quantitative Research
- Three Historical Types of Knowledge
- Types of Research and Research Designs
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Writing an Integrative Literature Review
- Zotero: Very Basic Tutorial on How to Use Zotero