Reading Materials

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Tips for Success

  1. Create new knowledge in your research.
  2. Listen to, understand, and follow the advice of your dissertation chair (from the start)
  3. and committee members (usually starting when your main adviser says your draft proposal is good enough for you to defend your proposal formally with everyone in your committee)
  4. as well as peer debriefing of your co-PhD sojourners
  5. and the constructive feedback of the external committee members (starting from the actual defense and revisions thereafter).
  6. Note that each case is different.
  7. Your main adviser takes the lead.
  8. There are no hard and fast rules. Follow the requirements and author guidelines of your professors, department, college, university, and journals to whom and to which you are submitting your papers.
  9. Each university and each journal have different author guidelines.
  10. All the best in your research, writing, and publishing endeavors. Be encouraged.

Writing Style

  1. Everything you write must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound (SMART)
  2. Keep it short and simple (KISS)
  3. A child should understand what you write and say (Feynman Technique: Feynman is a Nobel laureate in physics)
  4. Anyone should understand what you write and say (Orwellian democratic writing)
  5. Avoid jargons like a plague.
  6. Avoid passive voice.
  7. Just a reminder: There are two outline templates in the department: one is from PYU itself; another one was the revised version that Dr Ly created. She shared both of them to all of us during several workshops. She said repeatedly you can pick one (PYU) or the other (Dr Ly’s revision).
  8. Check grammar, spelling, formats and all author guidelines before submission.

Digital Library of E-Materials

Here is the Index of DPS Digital Library.

Research and Writing Resources

Note that you have to navigate the terrain critically and with an open mind, each discipline or field, faculty member, department, college, or university could have different sets of requirements. All the best in your research, writing, and publication.

  1. Average Word Count for Empirical Social Science Conference Papers, Journal Article, MA Thesis, and PhD Dissertation. These guidelines are NOT for Non-Empirical Humanities and Philosophy-Related Papers.
  2. Qualitative Empirical Social Science Research Paper Outline. Note: NOT for Humanities or Philosophy Papers.
  3. Research Diagnostics
  4. Academic or Conceptual Articles vs Research Articles: What’s the Difference? PPT
  5. Article Review Sheet: Template for Peer Review of Articles.
  6. Manuscript Drafting. (2024 07 31 PPT).
  7. Manuscript Drafting (2023 07 11 PPT).
  8. Manuscript Drafting (2023 05 26 PPT).
  9. Outline for a Qualitative Empirical Social Science Research Paper (Not for Non-Empirical Humanities or Philosophy Conceptual Paper)
  10. Types of Journal Articles
  11. Article and Book REVIEWS PPT Template
  12. Basic PPT Template for Presentations of Article and Book Reviews
  13. Basic Template for a Research Article Presentation
  14. Chapter 3: Methods & Methodology (2024 08 09)
  15. Chapter 3: Fundamentals of Research Methodologies, Research Designs, and Research Methods
  16. Chapter 3: Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Design
  17. Chapter 3: Four Major Research Paradigms
  18. Chapter 3: Four Contending Research Paradigms
  19. Chapter 3: Levels of Analysis, Sampling, Sampling Biases, Sampling Errors & Avoiding Them
  20. Qualitative RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Parts 1, 2, 3) and ARTICLES (+Parts 4, 5)
  21. Chapter 3: Use of Different Paradigms in Conflict and Peace Studies.
  22. Chapter 2: Different Types of Literature Review
  23. Chapter 3: Research Methodologies, Research Designs, and Research Methods: Applications in Conflict and Peace Studies
  24. Chapter 3: Validity and Reliability in Qualitative, Quantitative, & Mixed Methods Research (2024 07 05-07)
  25. Academic Research Writing: English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
  26. Referencing: Zotero Tutorial for Citations and References
  27. Summary Matrix of Your Whole Academic or Research Paper in One Page
  28. Detailed Outline Checklist for a Qualitative Paper
  29. Criteria for Best Paper (Presentation) Awards in Rubric
  30. Sample Summary Matrix of Your Whole Academic or Research Paper
  31. Academic and Research Proposal and Paper Writing PPT Template
  32. Academic Search Engines and Helpful Tools
  33. Sample Academic Research Outline in Word Template
  34. A Typical Academic Research Outline
  35. Template for Writing a Qualitative Academic Paper (with Findings divided into Analysis and Interpretation)
  36. PowerPoint PPT Template for Academic Research Proposal and Paper
  37. Academic Research Paper Presentation PPT Template
  38. Basic Academic Research Proposal and Research Paper Outline Template
  39. Two Research Proposal and Paper Templates
  40. Blank PPT Template for Presentation of Academic Papers
  41. Academic Research Paper PowerPoint Presentation Template
  42. Template for Abstracts and Proposals for Journal Articles and Conference Papers
  43. Template for Academic Paper Submission
  44. Research Methodology: Tips and Rubric for Writing Academic Research and Presentation. Revise the General Guidelines as Necessary
  45. Template for Writing Your Chapter I Introduction for your Dissertation or Thesis
  46. Sample Qualitative Thesis Statements for Chapter 1 Introduction of Research
  47. PowerPoint (PPT) Slides Template for Chapter I Introduction of Thesis or Dissertation Presentations
  48. Chapter 2 Literature Review for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation: Blank TEMPLATE
  49. Guide to Writing Your Literature Review
  50. Literature Review: Template for Critique of Academic Literature
  51. Chapter 3 PPT TEMPLATE Research Methodology for your Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  52. Cheat Sheets to Prepare for Your Conference Paper or Journal Article Documents: Responding to Calls for Abstracts, Proposals, and Papers
  53. Academic Research Paper PPT Presentation Template
  54. Executive Summary Outline Templates for Field Research and Literature Review Academic Proposals and Academic Papers
  55. Sample Academic Papers in 2022 Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education
  56. Sample Abstracts in (2022). Book of Abstracts. First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
  57. Sample IRB Consent Form

Evaluation Rubrics

  1. Academic Paper Evaluation Rubric
  2. Academic Research Paper Peer Review Rubric Worksheet for Grading or Approval
  3. Academic Research Writing: Chapter 3 Methodology, General Lecture Notes
  4. Article Review and Book Review Rubric
  5. Evaluation Rubric for Academic Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
  6. Generic Short Blank Template Editorial Review Board Peer Review Sheet
  7. Generic Detailed Blank Template Editorial Review Board Peer Review Sheet
  8. Article Review and Book Review Rubric
  9. SHORT Peer Reviewer Sheet. Blank Template

Research Methodology

  1. Abstract: Tips on Writing the Abstract and Key Terms or Words
  2. Abstract: Writing the Abstract of Your Academic Papers
  3. Abstract: Writing a Powerful Abstract and Key Words with Many Real Examples
  4. Academic Paper Peer Review Guidelines and Work Sheet
  5. Academic Research Worksheet to Ensure Research Alignment, Research Congruence, and Logical Coherence
  6. Basic Blank PPT Template for Presentation of Research Articles
  7. Chapter 1 Introduction
  8. Chapter 1 of Your Academic Research Paper: Statement of the Problem, Objectives, Questions, Hypothesis, Thesis, Definition, and Theory.
  9. Chapter 2: How to Write a Literature Review
  10. Chapter 2 Literature Review for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation: Lecture Notes
  11. Chapter 2: Literature Review Search and Writing
  12. Chapter 2: Writing an Integrative Literature Review.
  13. Chapter 2 of Your Academic Research Paper: The Literature Review
  14. Chapter 3: Research Paradigms: From Measurement to Liberation
  15. Chapter 3 Methodology Qualitative Data Analysis Work Sheet TEMPLATE
  16. Chapter 3: Qualitative Data Analysis — NVivo Tutorial
  17. Chapter 3: Methodology, Research Methods, Paradigms, Data Collection & Data Analysis
  18. Chapter 3: Research Methodology and Research Methods
  19. Chapter 3: Levels of Analysis, Sampling, Sampling Errors and Avoidance of Bias
  20. Chapter 3: Validity and Reliability (2021)
  21. Chapter 3: Validity and Reliability (2024 07 05)
  22. Chapter 3: Sample Gantt Chart Time Line for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  23. Chapter 3: Sample Time Line for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  24. Chapter 3 of Your Academic Research Paper: Research Methodology, Philosophical Assumptions, Paradigms, Data Collection, and Data Analysis
  25. Chapter 4 Findings or Results of Your Academic Paper
  26. Chapter 5 Writing Conclusion or Discussion of Your Academic Paper
  27. Considerations in Research: Freire
  28. Considerations in Research: Philosophy of Science
  29. Deductive and Inductive Theories in Research for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  30. Deductive Theory-Led Research
  31. Dr. A. Bah’s Lecture Notes on Research Methods
  32. Different Types of Academic Writing Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.: Non-Research and Research
  33. Different Types of Academic Writing: Know, Understand, Apply, and Create
  34. Multidisciplinary Research
  35. Different Types of Action Research
  36. Elements of a Research Prospectus, Proposal, or Plan
  37. Evaluation Form Measuring Reaction, Learning, Behavior & Impact
  38. Evaluation Research
  39. Four Major Social Research Paradigms: Different Ways of Dealing with the Natural and Social World
  40. Four Research Paradigms
  41. Framework of Analysis: Writing the Theoretical, Analytic, and Conceptual Frameworks.
  42. Fundamentals of Qualitative Research
  43. Fundamentals of Methodology and Methods
  44. Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Methods.
  45. Guide Questions for Analysis and Discussion Using the Case Study Method
  46. Good and Bad Writing: Advice from Nobel Laureates and Experts
  47. Horizontal Research Alignment Matrix. Fill in the blanks. Proposal. Methodology. Design
  48. Good Writing, Bad Writing, and Excellent Academic Writing
  49. How to Structure Your Paper: Use Tables and Figures for Research Alignment.
  50. Introduction to Academic Research, Writing, and Publication
  51. Kim, Kester, & Han. (2022). Interesting, but are we convinced? The importance of methodological rigor.
  52. Levels of Analysis
  53. Levels of Analysis, Sampling, Sampling Biases, Sampling Errors, & Bias Avoidance
  54. Literature Review Alignment Sample Matrix with Fill in the Blanks Matrix
  55. The Notion of Truth in Religion, Philosophy, and Science
  56. Pre-, During, and Post- Defense of Your Academic Paper
  57. Chapter 3: Validity and Reliability in Research, pp. 463-474 (2024 July Proceedings)
  58. Chapter 3: Preparing and Presenting Your Tables and Figures to Ensure Consistency or Internal Validity in Your Research
  59. Qualitative Research
  60. Quantitative Research
  61. Perry and Bloom on Intellectual and Ethical Development
  62. Types of Research: Pure Research, Applied Research
  63. Research Alignment and Presentation of Your Variables or Factors in the Form of an Analytic Framework, which is a Figure
  64. Research Alignment Chart
  65. Research Alignment or Research Concurrence Table.
  66. Research Alignment Work Sheet
  67. Chapter 3: Research Methodology and Research Methods
  68. Chapter 3: Research Methodology: Four Major Research Paradigms–Different Ways of Dealing with the Natural and Social World
  69. Chapter 3: Research Methodology: Philosophy and Research
  70. Chapter 3: Research Methodology PPT TEMPLATE ONLY
  71. Chapter 3: Research Methodology on Reliability and Validity
  72. Chapter 3: Research Methodology: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
  73. Chapter 3: Research Methodology, Research Process Alignment, and Logical Coherence
  74. Chapter 3: Research Paradigms and Theories
  75. Research Process with Alignment Matrix
  76. Research-Progress Guidance Work Sheet
  77. Research Traditions and Approaches
  78. Research, Writing, Presentation, and Publication ONE SEMESTER COURSE
  79. Sample Figures and Tables in Academic Research for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  80. Research Writing Process
  81. Sample Research Alignment Matrix
  82. Storytelling as a Powerful Research Tool
  83. Structure Writing Your Academic Research Papers
  84. Types of Research
  85. Types of Research
  86. Vertical Research Outline Alignment Matrix
  87. Sample Research Alignment Matrix
  88. Research Methodology: Philosophy and Research
  89. Different Types of Academic Writing Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.: Non-Research and Research
  90. Research Writing Process
  91. Introduction to Academic Research, Writing, and Publication
  92. Elements of a Research Prospectus, Proposal, or Plan
  93. Research Paradigms and Theories
  94. Four Research Paradigms
  95. Power and Knowledge
  96. Research Methodology: Four Major Research Paradigms–Different Ways of Dealing with the Natural and Social World
  97. Four Major Social Research Paradigms: Different Ways of Dealing with the Natural and Social World
  98. Types of Research
  99. Types of Research
  100. Research Traditions and Approaches
  101. Research Methodology, Research Process Alignment, and Logical Coherence
  102. Vertical Research Outline Alignment Matrix
  103. Sample Research Alignment Matrix
  104. Literature Review Alignment Sample Matrix with Fill in the Blanks Matrix
  105. Research Alignment Chart
  106. Horizontal Research Alignment Matrix. Fill in the blanks. Proposal. Methodology. Design
  107. Research Alignment and Presentation of Your Variables or Factors in the Form of an Analytic Framework, which is a Figure
  108. Research Process with Alignment Matrix
  109. Research Alignment or Research Concurrence Table.
  110. Academic Research Worksheet to Ensure Research Alignment, Research Congruence, and Logical Coherence
  111. Research Alignment Work Sheet
  112. Different Types of Action Research
  113. Guide Questions for Analysis and Discussion Using the Case Study Method
  114. Evaluation Research
  115. Research Methodology: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
  116. Quantitative Research
  117. Qualitative Research
  118. Chapter 3: Research Methodology on Reliability and Validity
  119. Chapter 3 Methodology, General Lecture Notes
  120. Chapter 3: Research Methodology PPT TEMPLATE ONLY
  121. Deductive and Inductive Theories in Research for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  122. Deductive Theory-Led Research
  123. Framework of Analysis: Writing the Theoretical, Analytic, and Conceptual Frameworks.
  124. Structure Writing Your Academic Research Papers
  125. How to Structure Your Paper: Use Tables and Figures for Research Alignment.
  126. Preparing and Presenting Your Tables and Figures to Ensure Consistency or Internal Validity in Your Research
  127. Sample Figures and Tables in Academic Research for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  128. Writing Chapter 1 Introduction
  129. Writing Chapter I of Your Academic Research Paper: Statement of the Problem, Objectives, Questions, Hypothesis, Thesis, Definition, and Theory.
  130. Chapter 2: Literature Review Search and Writing
  131. Chapter 2: Literature Review for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation: Lecture Notes
  132. Chapter 2: How to Write a Literature Review
  133. Chapter 2 of Your Academic Research Paper: The Literature Review
  134. Research Methodology and Research Methods
  135. Chapter 3 of Your Academic Research Paper: Research Methodology, Philosophical Assumptions, Paradigms, Data Collection, and Data Analysis
  136. Chapter 3 Methodology Qualitative Data Analysis Work Sheet TEMPLATE
  137. Social Theories: Objective, Subjective, Macro, Meso, and Micro Level Theories
  138. Levels of Analysis
  139. Sample Time Line for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  140. Sample Gantt Chart Time Line for Academic Papers, Thesis, and Dissertation
  141. Chapter 4 Findings or Results of Your Academic Paper
  142. Chapter 5 Writing Conclusion or Discussion of Your Academic Paper
  143. Tips on Writing the Abstract and Key Terms or Words
  144. Verb Tenses: English Grammar
  145. Writing the Abstract of Your Academic Papers
  146. Writing a Powerful Abstract and Key Words with Many Real Examples
  147. Research, Writing, Presentation, and Publication ONE SEMESTER COURSE
  148. Pre-, During, and Post- Defense of Your Academic Paper
  149. Freire on Partisanship on Teaching and Learning
  150. Noam Chomsky on the Responsibility of Intellectuals
  151. Edward Said on the Role of Intellectuals: Frantz Fanon, Noam Chomsky, and Michel Foucault

Conflict and Peace Studies

  1. Anthropology: Ethnography and Customary Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts
  2. Conference for College Instructors: Resources and Tips for Peace Education
  3. Conference for College Instructors: Resources and Tips for Peace Education
  4. Conflict Studies: Game Theory vs. Collective Rationality
  5. Conflict Studies, Peace Studies
  6. Conflict Studies vs. Peace Studies
  7. Contending or Diverging Approaches: Conflict Studies vs. Peace Studies?
  8. Contending Views of War and Peace: Utopians, Humanists, Marxists, Ideological Struggle, Peace Movements, and Intellectuals
  9. Different Types of Conflicts (Goldstein and Pevehouse)
  10. Education for Justice
  11. Galtung (1996) on Cultural, Structural, and Direct Violence
  12. Galtung (2002). Transcendence and Cultural Approach to Peacebuilding
  13. Indigenous Peoples, Conflict, and Peacebuilding
  14. Political Economy of War: The Rivalry between Military and Civilian Use of Finite Resources: From Sword to Ploughshare
  15. The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Contexts, Problems, and Solutions
  16. The Role of Religion in Peacebuilding: Practical Approaches–A Case Study
  17. International Environmental Law.
  18. Introduction to “From International Conflicts to Resolution and Peace” “Day One”
  19. A peace manifesto: An agenda for the world

Human Rights and Peacebuilding

  1. 40 Maps that Explain the World
  2. Appropriate Technology and Planning Environmental Projects for Developing Countries
  3. Aristotle’s Politics (In His Own Words)
  4. Anthropology and Human Rights
  5. Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Social Movement
  6. Complex Degrees of Dynamic Power & Privilege in U.S. Society: Politics of Class, Color, Religion, Sex, Gender, Fashion, Culture, Age, Ability, Values & Other Differences–Diversity & Inclusion
  7. Contending Approaches to Working with Nature
  8. Critique of Contending Refugee Services
  9. Current Emerging Situation in Nature and Society: Economy, Politics, and Culture
  10. David Kraft. (2013). Earth Day Lecture Notes on “Nuclear Energy.”
  11. Different Dimensions of Justice
  12. Different Kinds of Environmentalism
  13. Different Types of Environmentalists
  14. Dilemmas of Democracy. From Janda et. al. The Challenge of Democracy. Chapter 1
  15. Early Freire, Scientific Freire, and Mature Freire: Partial Ontological & Epistemic Shifts or Complete Rupture?
  16. Eco-Justice: Climate Change in Our Common Home
  17. Eco-Justice: Sustainable Development and Food Security
  18. Eco School: From Climate Crisis and Emergency to Climate Justice
  19. Education for Justice
  20. Electoral College in the U.S.A.
  21. Emerging Trends: AGENDA FOR SOCIAL CHANGE
  22. Ethics or Moral Philosophy
  23. Feminist Pedagogy
  24. General Crisis in Nature and Society: Economy, Politics, and Culture
  25. Global Citizenship: Multiculturalism, Tolerance, Human Rights, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development
  26. Glocal Organizing: History, Principles, Current Problems & Vision for the Future
  27. A Grounded Theory of Spiritual Leadership and Social Transformation: A Case Study of Peacebuilding and Human Rights. Chap 12, pp201-223. In Asian Spiritualities and Social Transformation. Springer. ISBN: 9789819926411, 9819926416
  28. History of Environmental Activism
  29. Howard Zinn on Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  30. Human Rights Based Approach to Development
  31. Human Rights, Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding: Lessons for Glocal Organizing
  32. Human Trafficking and Human Rights
  33. International Bill of Human Rights: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenants, Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil, and Political Rights
  34. International Environmental Law.
  35. International Human Rights
  36. International Human Rights & Feminist Critique
  37. International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
  38. International Human Rights Law for Beginners
  39. International Humanitarian Law
  40. International Humanitarian Law Training, Geneva, Switzerland
  41. International Relations Theories and Values
  42. International Situation, Tasks Ahead, and People’s Response
  43. Jean-Paul Sartre on Colonialism, Anti-Colonialism, Neocolonialism, and Postcolonialism
  44. Justice Denied: Obstacles to the Realization of Human Rights in Asia. Geneva, Switzerland: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).
  45. Labor Migration, Human Trafficking, and Statelessness in the Thai-Myanmar Border
  46. Models of Development and Development Assistance
  47. Moral Dilemmas, Critical Analysis, Challenges of, and Opportunities for Universal Human Rights
  48. Moral Dilemmas, Human Dignity, and Universal Human Rights
  49. Nature and Society: Dialectics of Nature
  50. Negative Peace, Structural Violence, and Positive Peace
  51. Neutrality in Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Relations, Comparative Politics, and National Constitutions
  52. Noam Chomsky on the Two Major Global Problems: Nuclear Weapons and Environmental Destruction
  53. Nuremberg Principles
  54. Nuremberg Principles. International Humanitarian Law
  55. Obstacles to the effective realization of human rights, including economic, social, and cultural rights and the right to development in Asia. In Justice Denied. Janet Bruin (Ed). Geneva, Switzerland: WILPF, pp. 33-40.
  56. (1990). Philippine Draft Declaration of Human and People’s Rights. Quezon City: Task Force Detainees of the Philippines.
  57. Philosophy of Freire: Ontology, Epistemology (or Gnoseology), Ethics, Logic, and Ideology
  58. Political Consciousness in the U.S.A.
  59. Post-COVID-19 International Relations: Global Trends, Geopolitical Issues, and Policy Recommendations
  60. Pre-Test: Environmental Situation, Problems, Causes and Solutions. Workshop
  61. Problems Affecting Nature and People
  62. Promoting and Protecting Human Rights. Bolingbrook, IL: Fountaindale Public Library
  63. Protection of Human Lives in Armed Conflict & Peace Situation: Human Rights & Laws of War
  64. Rights. Political Science Lecture Notes. Roskin. Chapter 5
  65. Slavoj Žižek on Marx & Lenin
  66. Social Injustice, Human Rights-Based Education, and Citizens’ Direct Action to Promote Social Transformation
  67. Sociobiology, Culture, Racism, and Peacebuilding
  68. Types of Environmentalism
  69. The United Nations’ Agenda for Sustainable Development
  70. United Nations Charter, International Bill of Human Rights, Universal Declaration, International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Civil and Political Rights, Optional Additional Protocols
  71. United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms
  72. United Nations Human Rights Reporting Mechanisms
  73. The UDHR Hangs in the Balance: Evaluating Its Legacy from Its Past Achievements, Current Setbacks, and Future Prospects, pp. 52-74. In Shaping a World of Freedoms 75 Years of Legacy and Impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UN Plaza, NY: UNEQUAL World Research Center.
  74. U.S. Electoral College Explained
  75. U.S.A. Infographic Maps
  76. U.S. Constitution Ratification Debates: Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
  77. U.S. Electoral College Explained
  78. What Is Peacebuilding?
  79. Wilson, Ch 9, Sociobiology, Universal Human Rights, and Hope
  80. World Infographic Maps
  81. Youth and Adult Education in the Philippines: Linking Education with NGOs, Social Movements and Civil Society (pp. 111-137). In Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific. Osaka, Japan: Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (Hurights Osaka).
  82. Youth and Adult Education for Social Change in the Philippines: Linking Education with NGOs, Social Movements, and Civil Society, pp 111-137. Tokyo, Japan: HuRights.

Cultural and Religious Dimensions of Peacebuilding

  1. Avruch. Cross-Cultural Conflict and Peacebuilding
  2. Bräuchler, Birgit. Cultural Dimension of Peacebuilding
  3. Conceptual Framework: Culture and Cultural Analysis
  4. Contending Approaches to Refugee Services. International Burma Studies Conference
  5. “Culture Box:” Pre-Departure Orientation Workshop for Study Abroad Students and Faculty
  6. Deconstructing Culture: An Interdisciplinary Critique of Theories of Culture. Edmond, OK: Central Oklahoma University.
  7. “Guess Who Are Muslim?” Intercultural and Interfaith Workshop
  8. Hoftede’s Cultural Dimensions
  9. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations?
  10. Intercultural Orientation
  11. Interfaith Perspectives of Justice and Peace
  12. Muslim Perspectives of Peacebuilding in Mindanao, Philippines: Community Conflict Resolution and Interfaith Peacebuilding— Implications for Muslims in the United States (Working Draft Only). Claremont, CA: Claremont Lincoln University Center for Global Peacebuilding
  13. Muslims’ Syncretism of the Hindu Ramayana in the Predominantly Christian Philippines
  14. Osei-Hwedie & Galvin. Socio-Cultural Bases of Conflicts, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding in Africa
  15. Political Culture. Lecture Notes. Roskin. Chapter 7
  16. Postcolonialism
  17. The Problem with Postmodernism. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University
  18. Program Planning, Postmodernism, & Post-colonialism
  19. Ronald Inglehart’s World Values Survey
  20. Study Abroad Pre-Departure Cultural Orientation
  21. Three Contrasting Attitudes toward Different Countries and Cultures
  22. Three Contrasting Attitudes toward Study Abroad and Foreign Travels
  23. Where Law Meets Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender: The U.S. Constitution and Diverse Muslim Women and Men in the U.S.A.. Edmond, OK: University of Central Oklahoma.
  24. Why We Need Secular Journalism

Education, Adult Education, and Transformative Learning

  1. Adult Learning Theories
  2. Community Service Learning
  3. Critical Reflections on Community Projects
  4. Critical Reflections on Organizing & Community Service Projects
  5. Key concepts in adult education and training
  6. Learning Styles, Learning Contract
  7. Malcolm Knowles on Adult Learning Motivation Assumptions
  8. Public Pedagogy and Adult Learning
  9. What Do You See?
  10. What Do You See?

Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Political Theory, and Political Thought as a Guide to Research

  1. Philosophy of Science
  2. The Role of Philosophy in Research
  3. Contrasting Philosophical Worldviews
  4. Plato on Knowledge and Opinion
  5. Hegel on Dialectics in His Own Words
  6. Adam Smith on Self Interest, Benevolence and the Role of the State
  7. The Notion of Truth in Religion, Philosophy, and Science
  8. Freire on Partisanship on Teaching and Learning
  9. Noam Chomsky on the Responsibility of Intellectuals
  10. Edward Said on the Role of Intellectuals: Frantz Fanon, Noam Chomsky, and Michel Foucault
  11. Hegel on Dialectics in His Own Words
  12. Major Periods in the History of Ideas
  13. A Short History of Philosophy
  14. The Story of Philosophy. Based on Bryan Magee’s Book 2001
  15. Philosophy edited by Barry Loewer
  16. Essentials of Philosophy
  17. Philosophy Made Simple
  18. Different Areas of Philosophy
  19. History of Philosophy
  20. Major Periods in the History of Ideas
  21. Main Divisions of Philosophy
  22. Plato’s Gorgias
  23. Philosophy
  24. Philosophy
  25. Philosophy in Charts
  26. Quotes from Philosophers
  27. Philosophy of Plato
  28. Plato’s Republic
  29. Aristotle’s Politics (In His Own Words)
  30. Aristotle on Friendship
  31. Saint Augustine of Hippo Quotations
  32. Saint Thomas Aquinas on Law
  33. Niccolò Machiavelli
  34. Thomas Hobbes
  35. Thomas Hobbes
  36. John Locke
  37. Homo Economicus: The Relationship between Adam Smith & Karl Marx
  38. Classical Marxist Philosophy
  39. Jean-Paul Sartre on Colonialism, Anti-Colonialism, Neocolonialism, and Postcolonialism
  40. Slavoj Žižek on Marx & Lenin
  41. Freire: In His Own Words
  42. Freire: Ontology, Epistemology (or Gnoseology), Ethics, Logic, and Ideology
  43. Early Freire, scientific Freire, and mature Freire
  44. Orientalism and Postcolonialism: Meaning, Challenges & Opportunities
  45. Positivism, Critical Theory, Postcolonialism and Postcolonial Theory
  46. Edward Said on the Role of Intellectuals: Frantz Fanon, Noam Chomsky, and Michel Foucault
  47. The Problem with Postmodernism
  48. What Is Philosophy?

Human Rights, Political Science, and Peacebuilding

  1. Civil Society, NGOs, & Social movement: What’s the Difference?
  2. Geopolitics in Asia: Challenges, Causes, Solutions, and Actions
  3. Ideology: Pluralism in the U.S.A.
  4. Neocolonialism BRICS Grassroots
  5. Interfaith Youth Peacebuilding: Threats to Peace, Social Movement Building, Advocacy for Justice, and Visionary Plans for the Future
  6. Sheliazhenko, Yurii. (2022). The Ukraine Crisis. Monograph Series. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies & Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab.
  7. Pedagogy and Curriculum to Prevent Violent Extremism, in Teaching in a World of Violent Extremism, pp. 48-83.
  8. Introduction to Political Science.
  9. Political Science, Philosophy, and Peacebuilding
  10. Political Science Research Methodology
  11. U.S. Constitution Ratification Debates: Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

Conflict and Peace Studies Instructional Videos

  1. Alternative Dispute or Conflict Resolution & Feminist Critique
  2. Conflict and Negotiation, Organizational Behavior Chapter 10 Conflict
  3. Conflict Management Strategies
  4. “Conflict Resolution” “Conflict Management” “Conflict Transformation”
  5. Conflict Resolution Methods from Tribal to Global
  6. Conflict Studies: Game Theory vs Collective Rationality
  7. Conflict Studies vs Peace Studies
  8. Conflict Theories
  9. Conflict Transformation vs. Conflict Resolution. Notes of Lederach
  10. Education for Peace & Conflict Resolution
  11. Introduction to “Conflict, Justice, and Peace Studies,” DePaul University, Chicago USA
  12. Levels of Social and Political Involvement
  13. Peace Education Models
  14. Peace Making, Peace Keeping, & Peace Building
  15. Peace Making, Peace Keeping, & Peace Building
  16. Solving Conflicts & Violence
  17. What is Peace?

Research Instructional Videos

  1. Research Methodology Playlist
  2. Dissertation Writing Workshop: Part 1:
  3. Part 2:
  4. Part 3:
  5. Manuscript Drafting (2024 07 31 Video LIVE Recording, 1 hour)
  6. Manuscript Drafting (2024 07 31 Video of PPT)
  7. Manuscript Drafting (2024 02 10 Video)
  8. Manuscript Drafting (2023 07 11 Video).
  9. Manuscript Drafting (2023 Video).
  10. Methods and Methodology (2024 08 09 Video. LIVE Recording, 1 hour).
  11. Methods and Methodology (2024 08 09. Video of PPT, 15 minutes).
  12. ABC or Basics of Social Science Research
  13. Academic Articles vs. Research Articles: What’s the Difference?
  14. Academic Paper, Theoretical Framework Analytic Framework Conceptual Framework Definition of Terms
  15. AI, Religion & Ethics: An Auto-Ethnographic & Phenomenological Study
  16. Basic Concepts of Social Research
  17. Basic Template for a Research Article PPT Presentation
  18. Chapter 1: Problem Statement
  19. Chapter 1: Dissertation Writing, Research Methodology
  20. Chapter 1: Academic Paper, Theoretical Framework Analytic Framework Conceptual Framework Definition of Terms
  21. Chapter 1: Theory in Research
  22. Chapter 2: Literature Review
  23. Chapter 2: Literature Review (Zoom 1)
  24. Chapter 2: The Literature Review (Zoom 2)
  25. Chapter 2: Literature Review (Zoom 3)
  26. Chapter 2: Literature Review (Zoom 4)
  27. Chapter 3: Methodology, Research Designs, and Research Methods
  28. Chapter 3: Methodology, Research Methods, Paradigms, Data Collection & Data Analysis
  29. Chapter 3: Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation
  30. Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 1)
  31. Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 2)
  32. Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 3)
  33. Chapter 3: Methodology (Zoom 4)
  34. Conducting Research
  35. Critical and Cultural Theories and Philosophy : A Critique
  36. Critical Theory & the African Diaspora on Postcolonial & Critical Race Theory
  37. Critical Theory, Postmodernism & Feminist Critique
  38. Critical Thinking
  39. Derrida in His Own Words
  40. Different Types of Research, Different Formats in Writing
  41. Doing Sociology: Research, Types of Knowledge & Scientific Knowledge
  42. Emic and Etic Approaches
  43. Epistemic Breaks & Paradigm Shifts in Knowledge Construction
  44. Epistemology and Research
  45. Evaluation Research
  46. Evaluation Research 2
  47. Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics
  48. Feminist Theories
  49. Five Traditions of Qualitative Research
  50. Framework for Knowledge Construction
  51. Freire on Critical Consciousness
  52. Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Design
  53. Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Research Methods. 2023 12 18.
  54. Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Research Methods (Lecture). 2023 12 18.
  55. Dr Rey Ty. Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Methods, 2023 10 17. Part 1. Part 2.
  56. Fundamentals of Research Methodologies and Research Methods. 2023 05 26
  57. Generating Grounded Theory from Qualitative Data
  58. Grounded Theory
  59. How to Write an Academic Paper
  60. Human Rights Based Approach to Development
  61. Husserl’s Phenomenology in His Own Words
  62. Language Learners and Human Rights
  63. Max Horkheimer on Critical Theory
  64. Orientalism and Postcolonialism: Meaning, Challenges & Opportunities
  65. Paradigms of Research
  66. Paradigms of Research
  67. Paradigms of Research: Positivism, Interpretivism, Critical Theory, and Social Change
  68. Peace Education Models
  69. Perry’s Intellectual and Ethical Development: A Critique
  70. Philosophy and Political Science: Are They The Same? On-the-Spot Response to a Student Inquiry
  71. Positivism, Critical Theory, Postcolonialism and Postcolonial Theory
  72. Postcolonialism and Postcolonial Theory: A Critique
  73. Qualitative Research
  74. Qualitative Research Design
  75. Qualitative Research Design: Make Mistakes, Coding, Member Check, and Peer Debriefing
  76. Qualitative Research Analysis and Interpretation
  77. Quantitative Research Design: Experimental and Non-Experimental (Zoom)
  78. Quantitative Research: Statistical Analysis (Zoom)
  79. Research Considerations
  80. Research Paradigms: From Measurements to Social Liberation
  81. Sociological Perspectives
  82. Storytelling as a Research Tool
  83. The Study of Society: Tools of Analysis
  84. Theoretical, Qualitative, and Quantitative Research
  85. Three Historical Types of Knowledge
  86. Types of Research and Research Designs
  87. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  88. Writing an Integrative Literature Review
  89. Zotero: Very Basic Tutorial on How to Use Zotero