Dissertation and IRB Forms

PYU Official Dissertation-Related Templates

  1. DPS PYU Dissertation Proposal and Tips for Success in Your Ph.D. Dissertation and Publications in PPT
  2. DPS PYU Dissertation Template in PPT
  3. List of Publications Recognized by OHEC
  4. Candidate Proposal Form
  5. Proposal Cover Page
  6. Research Proposal
  7. Proposal Sections
  8. Dissertation Cover, Signature, and Copyright Page
  9. Dissertation Cover and Approval Page
  10. Dissertation Preliminary Pages
  11. RT’s Research Alignment Matrix Worksheet

Click here to download all the PYU Ph.D. dissertation-related templates.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Research Ethics Requirements

  • Repository of all IRB Forms, as of August 2024. Download all the forms from here. With kind permission: Thanks to Sayar Aung for his samples as templates.