FOURTH Annual International Conference on
Religion, Culture, and Peace Education
Free Conference. Free Registration. Free Admission. Free Publication.
We don’t have travel-related grants.
Open to Academics, Researchers, Practitioners, Audio-Visual Artists, Church Workers, Clergy, Community Organizers, Civil Society Individuals and Groups, Digital Artists, Human Resources, Monks and Nuns, NGOs, Performing Artists, and Social Movements, Visual Artists.
Scholars and practitioners who wish to do 10-minutes-max oral presentations but neither submit a full written paper nor have it published in the Proceedings: you are welcome to do so. Register online and type in your Abstract, and let us know by indicating this information in your online registration abstract section. We will publish the Abstracts in a separate eBook.
Department of Peace Studies (DPS)
Religion, Culture, and Peace Laboratory (RCP Lab)
International College (IC), Payap University (PYU)
in Partnership with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Start Date: Thursday April 24, 2025
End Date: Friday April 25, 2025
9 am to 6 pm Bangkok Time
Onsite: Singtoh Conference Room, Sirindhorn Learning Resource Center, Payap University, Mae Khao Campus
Online: Join Zoom or Microsoft Teams Meeting
Meeting ID: To Be Announced later
Passcode: TBA
Important Dates
Call for Abstract | Deadline Feb 15, 2025. Tardies accepted. Fourth Annual International Conference Announcement Details |
Download Poster here: | Download 2025 Poster here. NOTE: First, you have to create, join, and LOG ON to your free account to be able to download the file. |
Click Here: Online Registration and Abstract Submission. | Deadline: February 15, 2025. NOTE: First, you have to create, join, and LOG ON to your free gmail email account to be able to register and submit your abstract and paper. |
Number of Submissions Per Author: | You are welcome to submit more than one abstracts: use a different email each time, for example, one from your work email (.edu or .ac) and another one from your personal email (gmail, hotmail, protonmail, etc.). Thanks. |
Notification of Acceptance: | March 16, 2025 |
Submission of Accepted Papers in WORD format only here: | Deadline: April 02, 2025 |
Word Document File Name: | <LastName-FirstName-PaperTitle-v1> |
Hybrid International Conference: | April 24-25, 2025 |
Publication of Proceedings | Second Quarter of 2026 |
If you have a doctorate, please join the International Review Board. | Register here please. |
Visit our website | Link to Our Lab Website |
Visit our FB pages | RCP on FB and FB Bulletin Board |
Join the FB closed group for the Conference | Closed FB groups for Conference Attendees |
Books of Abstracts | Repository here. |
Conference Proceedings | Repository here. |
Please share and post this announcement online with other researchers by mail and other means. Thanks!
As scholars and practitioners, we constantly try to understand, describe, explain, rethink, and propose ways by which we improve our world, society, communities, economy, politics, culture, as well as the way we live and interact with each other as a response to evolving needs and shifting priorities.
For this reason, we invite you to take part in the forthcoming International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. In this regard, we enjoin you to register and submit your short abstract online now for a paper presentation and publication in the electronic Proceedings. See 2022 Book of Abstracts, 2022 Conference Proceedings, and the *new* 2025 SAMPLE First Page Content of Your Conference Paper of 7 pages to give you an idea of writing your 200-word-maximum abstracts. The first page of the full paper includes the title, author’s name, affiliation, country, ORCID number, abstract, and 5 alphabetically arranged keywords.
Register with ORCID to get your free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individual researcherss to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Poster Sessions: Scholars and practitioners who wish to do oral presentations but neither submit a full written paper nor have it published in the Proceedings are welcome to do so and let us know by indicating this information in your online registration.
International Editorial Board Members
If you have completed a doctorate, you are welcome and please consider joining our International Review Board and serving as a peer reviewer. Thank you for considering. Click and sign up as a qualified peer reviewer. Upon request, we will be glad to send you an e-Certificate of Membership in the International Editorial Board. Thank you.
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Chiang Mai is situated in the north of Thailand, bordering Myanmar to the west and Laos to the East, while China is a little farther to the North. Called the Rose of the North, Chiang Mai provides several historic and natural attractions for you to explore: The Old City, ancient temples, waterfalls, mountains, caves, and ethical animal sanctuaries.
Payap University
Payap University has a long and rich history beginning in 1888 with the founding of the Thailand Theological Conferencey. That conferencey was integrated into Payap University as the McGilvery College of Divinity, one of eleven academic divisions comprising the university. Established in 1974, Payap University is a private and non-profit institution founded by the Foundation of the Church of Christ in Thailand.
Payap University has obtained official recognition from the United States government, through its Department of Education (DOE), as eligible for federal financial aid. Payap University is a liberal arts and pre-professional school offers a doctoral degree in Peace Studies; masters in divinity, linguistics, TESOL, law, MBA and music; and bachelor degrees in arts, sciences, accountancy, business, economics nursing, law, and Christian theology. Payap is a founding member of the Association of Private Higher Education Institutions in Thailand and an active member of the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia, as well as the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning.
Department of Peace Studies (DPS)
The Department of Peace Studies at Payap University works closely and exists to foster mutual appreciation and cooperation among the world’s religious communities and enact new initiatives in peacebuilding. The Department of Peace Studies is the academic unit that offers a Ph.D. program and a Certificate program in Peacebuilding.
Conference Objective
The objective of the conference is to convene researchers, scholars, practitioners, grassroots community workers, and other interested parties to showcase, share, examine, and evaluate their state-of-the art research, performing arts, community work related to trends in religion, culture, peace education, or a combination thereof.
Conference Participants
Registration is open to both presenters and observers who are academics, practitioners, policy makers, civil society organizers, community members, and other parties interested in the issues of religion, culture, peacebuilding, and education.
Interdisciplinary Conference Sub-Themes
Papers in different areas of studies and research are most welcome, including among others the following:
- Anthropology, Arts, Business, Communication Science, Cultural Studies, Development Studies, Divinity, Economics, Education, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Languages, Linguistics, Literature, Performing Arts, Peace Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, Social Sciences, Sociology, Theology, Visual Arts
Some major issues that you are most welcome to discuss include, among others, the following:
- Action research, business for social progress, caste, civil society, class, community development, conflict management| resolution| transformation, discrimination, diversity, electoral democracy, environmentalism, ethnicity, fake news, gender, hate speech, human rights, human trafficking, inclusion, information technology, inner peace, interfaith and inter-religious activities, international law, leadership, migrant labor, peace building| keeping| making, peace education, philosophy, racism, refugees, religion, self-determination, sexual orientation, social entrepreneurship, social justice, social media, stateless people, student activism, United Nations, violent extremism, women empowerment, xenophobia, and other matters;
- Causes and effects of these burning issues; and,
- Agenda for social change
NOTE: We are applying for indexing with ERIC Search, a well-respected official indexing system of the government of the United States. For this reason, key words and titles of abstracts and papers must include one word or another related to EDUCATION. We request you to do so, please. Here are some key words, among others, that you can use: Academia, academic instruction, activist education, adult education, advocacy learning, andragogy, behaviorist education, classroom learning, cognitivism, collective learning, community education, constructivist education, critical pedagogy, curriculum development, didactics, distance education, educational development, experiential learning, flexible learning, formal education, formal schooling, Freirian dialogue, humanist education, independent study, informal education, informal learning, institutional education, instruction, instructional technology, intellectual growth, IT-based knowledge base, knowledge acquisition, knowledge assimilation, knowledge dissemination, learning in social movements, learning process, learning theory, lifelong learning, mental development, moral education, non-formal education, non-traditional education, pedagogical advancements, pedagogy, school-based learning, self-directed learning, skills acquisition, skills development, skills enhancement, social justice education, social learning, societal instruction, teaching methodologies, training, traditional education, workplace learning, and others.
Sample Titles:
- Anti-Bullying: Attitudinal Changes in Favor of Mutual Respect
- Logistics: Contractual Migrant Laborers of Different Cultures and Religions in the Gig Economy Learning Work Skills
- Street Art: Learning about Justice and Peace through Graffiti
Education could be in the conclusion of your article as Implication for Formal Classroom, Community, Professional, Business, or Factory Learning or Education.
Review Process
- All submissions shall undergo a blind review process. Reviewers shall provide constructive feedback for each submission approximately two weeks after the submission deadline.
Author Submission Guidelines
- Abstract: For your submission, please submit your name, affiliation, country, email address, and a 200-word max proposal, 12-point Times New Roman font, which includes the following: the title, name, Faculty/Student/or Other Job Description, Name, Affiliation, Country; problem statement, rationale, and importance of the study, purpose, research questions (or hypothesis for quantitative papers), theory (optional), and methods in one page maximum. Longer submissions will be rejected. The first page must only be for abstracts: leave empty spaces empty after the list of keywords. NEW Abstract page template here.
- Paper: Once your paper proposal is approved for presentation, please submit a 6-page max, single-spaced A4 paper, both margins justified. Please follow strictly ERIC author style sheet with APA citation and APA references. Zero or no footnotes are allowed. Contents include Title of the Paper, Name, Faculty/Student/or Other Job Description, Name, Affiliation, Country; Email; Introduction; Literature Review; Methodology; Findings; Conclusion; and References. Facts and figures in your paper must be data-driven, evidence-based, and backed by reputable sources. Papers with longer than 7 pages (1 page exclusively for the Abstract page) and not following the author guidelines will be rejected.
Style Sheet
General Guidelines
- Manuscript Submission: Submit manuscripts as Word documents (.docx) via G-Drive here.
- Length: First page is cover page only. 6 pages max for the full article. A grand total of 7 page limit max.
- Font: 12-point Times New Roman.
- Spacing: Single-spaced.
- Margins: 1-inch (top, bottom, left, right).
APA Formatting Guidelines
- Title Page: Include title, author’s name, affiliation, and contact information.
- Abstract: Separate page (150-250 words).
- Headings: Use APA heading styles (Levels 1-5).
- In-text Citations: Author-date format (e.g., Smith, 2020).
- References: Alphabetical order, hanging indent.
- Tables/Figures: Numbered, captioned, and referenced in text.
Total Number of Pages
- Total number of pages is 7
- Page 1 contains title, author’s name, institution, country, Abstract, and 5 keywords
- Pages 2 to 7 contains the rest: main paper and references in APA
Abstract Guidelines: Template
Keywords: 5 keywords.
Title: Abstract title (centered, uppercase).
Content: 200 words max.
Format: Single-spaced. the Abstract page)
Reference Guidelines
- Book: Author, A. A. (Year). Title. Publisher.
Example: Smith, J. (2020). The book title. Publisher. - Journal Article: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title. Journal Title, Vol(Issue), pp. pages.
Example: Johnson, K., & Thompson, J. (2020). Article title. Journal Title, 20(1), 12-20. - Website: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title. Site Name. URL
Example: Williams, J. (2020, February 10). Title. Site Name.
Ethical Guidelines
Submit unpublished original work only.
Please check for plagiarism: 15% max similarity.
Declare potential conflicts of interest.
Submission Checklist
- Manuscript: single spaced, total 6 pages max, all in
- Title and Abstract Page: first of six pages
- Original Tables and Figures by the article author only in the appropriate section of the article
- References: in-text citations; no footnotes; APA latest edition
- Keywords: 5 keywords in alphabetical order
- If you have used software to write your paper, kindly unlink them, please, otherwise the whole conference proceedings will be messed up.
Free Conference Registration
Participation in the conference is free for all speakers, paper and poster presenters, observers, participants, and drop-in visitors. Please explore the cafeteria, cafés, and restaurants in the surrounding areas for your meals.
Conference Format and Free Publication
The Conference shall be held in blended format. However, in the event that travel to Thailand will not be possible for all due to the pandemic or other acts of nature, the conference shall be held online 100%. All papers will still be published in the electronic Conference Proceedings. Your paper will not be published, if you did not present your paper onsite or online.
Social Media Presence
If you plan to submit a paper to the Conference, kindly join our FB Annual Conference closed group for all announcements, questions, and answers.
Here is the link to our Lab’s FB page for the live-casting of our two-day conference. Photos and videos will be shared in our FB Annual Conference closed group and our Lab’s FB page. Thank you.
Conference Partners
Other institutions, foundations, and individuals are welcome to partner with the Department of Peace Studies (DPS), the Religion, Culture, and Peace Laboratory (RCPL), the International College (IC), and Payap University (PYU) for the annual conference. Partners could choose (1) to provide a lump-sum financial grant for conference-related expenses, (2) to disseminate information about the conference with their networks, or (3) to sponsor a keynote speaker, a guest speaker, or a participant by paying all the conference-related expenses, such as local and international travel, room and board. Partners are welcome to use a display table and disseminate promotional materials. Funds will be received under the Dean’s office.
If you plan to come to the university, please book your own accommodation on campus or in any private hotels nearby. Feel free to share your hotel room to split the bill. If you plan to share a double room with a conference participant to reduce your expenses, please contact one another directly through the FB closed group for accepted paper presenters, once you will have officially registered. Most hotels provide free breakfast. If you want to be sure, please contact them directly. Here are some accommodations. Posting is not an endorsement. Thailand country code is +(66). Delete the 0 in phone numbers.
Venues | Please Contact Them Directly: Subject to Change without Notice. FYI Only. Listing is not endorsing. |
Paradornparp International House (PIH) Payap University, Chiang Mai Thailand Tel: +66-53851377 Fax: +66-53851052 Website: Line: paradornparp_pyu Ms. Aun: +66657654664 Khun Dao 0991311461 Email: Website: | Address: 60/3 Moo. 1 Tambon Sanklang Aumpur Sankamphaeng, Chiang Mai, Thailand 50130 Phone: +66 (0) 5385 1377, +66 (0) 5385 1380 Fax: +66 (0) 5385 1052 They have 3 types of rooms: deluxe room with king size bed, superior room with 2 beds, and standard room with 2 beds. Both superior and deluxe rooms have kitchen and sitting room fully furnished. Standard Double Room: 600 THB; extra bed + 220 THB Free On-Campus Only Sky Bus |
Payap Dorms | AC and No AC. Alpha Women’s Dormitory, or Omega Men’s Dormitory. |
Brique Hotel | Chiang Mai 138 Moo 5, Nongpakhrang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chiang Mai 052 012 555 |
Double J Hotel | 90/29 หมู่ที่ 6 ต.หนองป่าครั่ง อ.เมืองเชียงใหม่ จ.เชียงใหม่ 50000 096 683 9749 |
Hermès INN Hostel | HERMÈS INN ห้องพักรายวัน|รายเดือน ห้องพักรายวัน เริ่มต้น650 บาทต่อคืน โทร 0823333321 | Line ID: hermesinn |
Pong Chan International House | Single room- 250 baht per-night small / 2700 per-month but need to pay additional utilities like water and electricity. |
Sasikorn Apartment | Sasikorn Apartment. Check listing for details. |
Tatony Host | Loft residence in Chiangmai Business Park near Central Festival and Payap University 143/6-8 ถนนเชียงใหม่บิสสิเนสพาร์ค ซอย 1 ต.หนองป่าครั่ง , Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chiang Mai 090 659 4261 |
ZAK Residence | Chiang Mai | Address: หมู่ที่ 4 108/3-8 Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50000 Phone: 089 425 9741 |
For More Information, Check Google Map | For hostels and housing near Payap University campus. |
Hotel Search Websites | Contact Information |
Agoda | Website: Phone: 1-866-656-8207 Email: | | Website: Phone: 1-888-850-3958 Email: |
Expedia | Website: Phone: 1-404-728-8787 Email: N/A |
Hostel World | | | Website: Phone: 1-877-903-0071 Email: N/A |
Rideshare for Local Transportation
Those coming onsite from abroad:
- Within Payap University, there is a Sky Blue open bus: please download the app for pick up and drop off within campus on both sides of the highway.
- There is practically no regular public bus system for transportation within Chiang Mai, only the Red Truck (Songtheaw), Bicycle pedaled tricycle (Sanglor), and motorcycle tricycle (TukTuk) for use within the Old City.
- Please download ride share apps such as Grab, Bolt, inDrive, Maxim, etc. for your local transportation. Thanks.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact us at
Religion, Culture, and Peace Laboratory (RCP Lab)
Department of Peace Studies
Payap University, Mae Khao Campus
The “White House”
Tambon Sanphranet, Super Highway Road
Chiang Mai, Thailand 50210
Phone: 053851478 (Ext.) 7883, 7884
Contact us through Facebook Messaging or Email
Free Admission. Free Conference. Free Registration. Free Publication for Accepted Papers.