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Welcome to the Religion, Culture, and Peace Laboratory (RCP Lab)

March 16, 2022 to the Present

The Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab (RCPL), formerly known as the Institute of Religion, Culture, and Peace (IRCP), is the extracurricular non-formal and informal educational arm of the Department of Peace Studies, International College, Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The current structure and function commenced from March 16, 2022 to the present.

For more information about the Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab (RCP Lab), please Contact Us.


Institute of Religion, Culture, and Peace (IRCP)

1995 to March 15, 2022

The Institute of Religion, Culture and Peace works closely with the Peacebuilding Department at Payap University.  The Institute exists to foster mutual appreciation and cooperation among the world’s religious communities and enact new initiatives in peacebuilding.  It’s primary goals are to foster increased mutual appreciation and cooperation among the world’s different religious communities, thus contributing to greater inter-religious and intra-religious understanding among all peoples everywhere; and to undertake, and develop new ways to carry out, peacemaking and peacebuilding activities. 

Former directors included: Rev. John Butt, Dr. Mark Tamthai, Dr. Joe Manickam, and Dr. Tony Waters.

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