Journal of Religion, Culture, and Peace Education (ReCaPE)
Each Article is Reviewed by at least Three Anonymous International Researchers
Submission Deadlines Every Year:
February 15 for the June Issue.
August 15 for the December Issue.
Read Below for Author Guidelines

- To provide a platform to facilitate, encourage, and contribute research, writing, and publication in the field of religion, culture, and peace education
- To promote, disseminate, and exchange information involving state-of-the-art knowledge, data-driven evidence-based facts and figures, practices, culturally informed theory-building, theories, concepts, practical approaches, skills, and attitudes in the field of education in conflict and peace studies, including matters related to religion and culture
- To foster understanding of diverse religious and cultural perspectives through publication of research
- To encourage innovative and interdisciplinary research on peace education and methodologies across cultures and religions
- To contribute to constructing a just, inclusive, and peaceful global society through peace education
- Role of formal, non-formal, and informal education to bridge religious and cultural divides to promote peace
- Academic exploration and dissemination of research in conflict and peace studies
- Philosophical and social scientific studies and theories related to conflict and peace
- Scholarly manuscripts on conflict and peace at different levels of analysis
- Intersectionality of religion, culture, and peace education
- Awareness of the role of culture and religion in social justice and peace
- Role of religion and culture in conflict and peacebuilding
- Address the impact of cultural and religious diversity on peace
- Inclusive and culturally sensitive peace education curricula
- Cultural and religious dimensions of conflict prevention, resolution, and transformation
- Ethical considerations in peace education within diverse contexts
- Advocacy for policies to support religious and cultural tolerance and acceptance to promote peace
- Role of religious and cultural leaders in promoting peace
- Book reviews
Date of Distribution:
- June every year. Submission deadline: February 15.
- December every year. Submission deadline: August 15.
Typical Publication / Frequency:
Two times a year: June and December
Special issue, as necessary
Author Guidelines:
- Format: APA latest (7th edition); only in-text citations; no footnotes.
- Follow ERIC stylesheet: first page for title, author profile, abstract, and 5 keywords. We are applying for this Journal to be indexed in ERIC Database, which “is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.”
- Word Count: around 5,000 to 8,000 max words
- U.S. English language only: U.S. spelling; please submit already proofread, clean papers without spelling, grammatical, typographical, margin errors; professional academic quality and level of writing; otherwise, your article will be rejected outrightly
- Please unlink all the templates you have used, as they will adversely affect the whole journal, such as APA software and citation software
- Title: 15 words max; clear; consistent with the content of the whole article
- Given Name Surname, such as Amira Chen
- Dept. name of organization (of Affiliation), such as Department of Peace Studies
- Name of organization (of Affiliation), such as Payap University
- City, Country, Postal Code
- Email address or ORCID number (highly recommended)
- Keywords: 5; organized alphabetically; correctly represent the whole article
- Abstract: 150 words max, fitting one page max; covers the essence of the article (problem, purpose or questions or hypothesis, methods, findings, recommendations)
- Cover letter must identify what type of research you are submitting: non-empirical conceptual humanities; or empirical qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods social science
- Outline for Empirical Qualitative Research Papers: Introduction (with Research Questions, etc.), Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, Conclusion, References
- Outline for Empirical Quantitative Research Papers: Introduction (with Hypothesis, short Literature Review, etc.); Methodology; Results; Discussion (IMRAD), References
- Outline for Literature-Based Non-Empirical Humanities, Philosophy, and Conceptual or Academic Papers: Introduction (with central thesis statement or argument), Body, Conclusion, References
- Outline for Harvard-Style Case Studies: Introduction (Context and objectives of the case study), Case Description (Detailed narrative and analysis), Discussion (implications, and conclusions), References. See Harvard Business Review author guidelines.
- Introduction provides sufficient information: background; significance; thesis statement (humanities or philosophy), or research questions (qualitative social science), or hypothesis (quantitative)
- Literature Review is well-written and includes classical and state-of-the-art literature, definitions, comparison, contrast, gaps, filling the gaps, conceptual and theoretical framework (for social science articles)
- Methodology for Social Science Articles: clearly discussed detailed scope, limitation, location, population, sampling, sampling method, research tools, data collection, data analysis, and all other related matters (for social science articles)
- Research Concurrence: The Body of Humanities and Philosophy articles must match the central thesis or main argument; the Findings for Qualitative Social Science Articles must match the research questions; and the Results of Quantitative Social Science Articles must match the hypothesis.
- Research Concurrence: Provide a short summary and the Conclusion must logically proceed from the preceding sections of the article; and discuss the implications or recommendations.
- Book Review: latest book published in the year the journal is published
- First usage of terms must be spelled out in full (immediately followed by acronyms and abbreviations); subsequently use acronyms and abbreviations
- Perform plagiarism check before submission: Less than 10% similarity; specify in cover letter (print and submit check results)
- Tables and Figures: Black and White, with numbers, titles, sources (indicate yourself only); only originals are allowed; For example: Table 1: Birds that Sing; References or citations for each figure or table must be the same format as general citations. In APA convention, Table titles are placed on top of the table; Figure titles are placed below the figure.
Reviewer Evaluation Guidelines:
- Reviewers: Kindly consider using this worksheet: Article Review Sheet: Template for Peer Review of Articles. You are free to submit your review in other formats. Thank you.
- Qualities of Articles: expertise, evidence, originality, usefulness, persuasiveness, and a pleasure to read.
- Elements for All Papers: Type of Paper Submission; The Title matches the content of the article; The Abstract contains all the key elements of the article; all the 5 alphabetically arranged keywords are most relevant to the content of the article; The Introduction includes problem statement; clear and appropriate central thesis statement (humanities), or objectives (qualitative paper) or hypothesis (quantitative paper), and significance; Explicit and justified Conceptual and Theoretical Framework (Literature); Conclusion and Recommendations (Implications for Research, Theory, Practice, Policy, or Society) are logically related to the previous sections.
- General Guidelines for All Papers: Clarity; Logical Presentation of Arguments; All key terms are fully explained; Coherence; Logical and Well-Structured; Original Contribution to Theme, Content, or the Relevant Field; Relationship to Literature; Facts and Figures must be data driven and evidence based with in-text citations, not simply assumed to be facts and figures on face value; Quality of Communication: Proper Use of the English Language for an Academic or Professional Paper; Correct Use of References; Compliance with Author Guidelines
- For Humanities, Conceptual, or Pure Research Papers: Clarity of Concepts or Theories; Sources and Justification of Selection of Sources; Advance New Knowledge; Use Value
- For Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods Research Papers: Appropriate, Well Designed, and Well Explained Detailed Methodology: objectives match scope, population, sampling, sampling method, research tools, data collection; data analysis, etc.; Logical, Appropriate, and Clearly Analyzed Findings (qualitative) or Results (quantitative).
- For Applied Research and Action Research: Based on experience related to a specific case study; Contextualization of the experience with academic literature; Lessons Learned; Good or Best Practices
- Research Ethics Regulations: Submission of IRB approval form to the Editor for research with human subjects and interviews
- Specific Constructive Feedback: For example, on research questions, hypothesis, research concurrence, methodology, limitations of the study, etc.
- Summary of Each Reviewer: Accept without revision; revision before publication; reevaluation after revision; resubmit elsewhere after revision; decline submission and not to be published
- Review Time: I always request each reviewers to send me their comments and constructive feedback in two weeks’ time. Upon receiving them, I shall compile the reviews and immediately communicate with the authors.
- Decision of Editor-in-Chief, based on the summary of reviewers’ reports
- To refresh your knowledge of research, here are some academic and research writing resources.
Publisher: Department of Peace Studies
Address: Payap University, International College, Mae Khao District, Super Highway Road Chiang Mai-Lampang, San Sai, Mueang District, San Phra Net, Chiang Mai Province 50210
Correspondence to: Email to the journal email account to notify the editor-in-chief of your online submission
Submit your drafts before deadline dates to the G-Drive. Email the editor-in-chief that you have uploaded your submission to the G-Drive. Late submissions will be considered for the succeeding issue.
Submit 1) your Author Submission Checklist Cover Letter along with 2) your article to the G-Drive.
International Review Board:
- Adviser: Dr Mark Tamthai, Founder of the Peace Studies Program
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr R Ty, a Project Leader of the Religion, Culture, and Peace Laboratory; Teaching Human Rights, Political Science, Cultural Dimensions of Peacebuilding, and Research Methodology at Payap University
- Members: Dr Ken Dobson (U.S.A.), Adviser to the President of Payap University
- Dr Iva Angelova (U.S.A.), Assistant Director, New Jersey Enrichment Academy, Millburn, New Jersey, U.S.A.
- Dr Rungrawee Chalermsripinyorat, Institute for Peace Studies, Prince of Songkla University (Hat Yai Campus)
- Dr Phill Gittins (U.S.A.), Education Director, World BEYOND War, Charlottesville, VA 22902 U.S.A.
- Dr Le Ngoc Bich Ly, Chair of the Department of Peace Studies, Payap University.
- Dr Benya Lertsuwan, Teaching Communication Theory, Public Relations, Interpersonal Communication, Photography, and a General Elective course in Citizenship, Good Governance, and Peace at Payap University
- Dr Mon Mon Myat, Teaching Cultural Dimensions of Peacebuilding and General Elective Courses at Payap University
- Dr Gulshirin Orazova (U.S.A.), Director, Career Services; Executive Leadership Member, Mildred Elley Career College-Metro Campus, New York, U.S.A.
- Dr Joanna Rak (Poland), Associate Professor at the Department of Political Culture, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
- Dr Cindy Stevens (U.S.A.), Assistant Professor, Director of Prior Learning Assessment, School of Graduate, Professional and Continuing Education, Lewis University, Illinois, U.S.A.