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Publications of the Department of Peace Studies (DPS) and the Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab (RCP Lab), International College
Publications of Faculty Members
- Tamthai, Dr Mark has several conflict and peace studies research projects related to the comparative analysis of Catalunya, French Quebec, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and southern Thailand as well as research projects with the government of Thailand related to peace. (2023). Sacred Values, Independence Movements, and Violence. Academia. Google Scholar. Scopus.
- LNB, Dr Ly. (2021-2022). Ongoing research project on Buddha and interfaith dialogue. Chiang Mai: Payap University. Google Scholar. Scopus.
- Ly. (2023). Buddhist Approaches towards Effective Interreligious Dialogue: A Study of Anguttara Nikaya. In Religion and Social Communication 21 (1).
- Myat, Mon Mon and Michal Lubina. (2021 Sept. 12). Interview. Episode 1, Myanmar without Aung San Suu Kyi. Myanmar in a PodShell; Myat, Mon Mon. (2019). “Is Politics Aung San Suu Kyi’s Vocation?” in Palgrave Communications from the UK. Another version of this article has been published in Social Transformations.
- Panyakom, Associate Professor Somboon and Emeritus Lecturer James Langteau of the Peace Studies Dept. (2020). published a paper with the Asia Missions Association titled “God’s Calling to Myanmar: Journey into Conflict Zones “And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”
- Ty, Dr R. publications in Academia | ARC | BASE |Conflict and Peace Studies Journal 1 | ERIC | Google Book Chapter on Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Futures | Google Book Chapter on Violent Extremism | Google Book on Asian Spiritualities on Human Rights and Peacebuilding | Google Scholar| Mendeley | ORCID | Religion and Social Communication 1 | Religion and Social Communication 2| ResearchGate | Sci-Hub | Scopus | Semantic Scholar | WorldCat. His journalism articles are available at Global South Development Magazine | Peace Insights | Rappler (The Editor-in-Chief was a 2021 Nobel Peace Laureate).
- Ty. (2023). Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine: Before, During, and the Morning After. In Religion and Social Communication 21 (1) 84-118.
- Waters, Dr Tony’s publications are available at his Academia account.
Publications, International Academic Conference Presentations, and Interviews of Ph.D. Students
- Aung Mya Soe. (2023 July-December). Exploring Xenophobia in South Africa through Sociocultural Lens. NIDA Development Journal, 83(2), pp. 125-146. Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) academic journal.
- Aung Mya Soe. (2022). Youth Development and Cultural Dimension. Monograph Series. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies & Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab.
- Aung Mya Soe. (2022 April 28-29). Interfaith Dialogue for Peacebuilding: promoting religious unity in Myanmar. Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
- Chang, Catherine. (2022). From Michigan to Manila: Stories of a Korean-American Woman Navigating Cultures with National, Regional, and Transnational Labor Migration Advocacy. Monograph Series. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies & Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab.
- Chang, Catherine. (2022 April 28-29). Jeju Truth Commission: Peacebuilding Contributions for the Korean Peninsula. Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
- Chang, Catherine. (2022). Statements of support for Rev. Cathy. PCUSA, UCCP Council of Bishops, NCCP, and Migrante International.
- Chang, Catherine. (2022). Interview. Humans are being trafficked all over the world, including our neighborhoods.
- Japhet, Nai. Grassroots Muslim women in religious conflict prevention in Tanzania: roles, contributions, and challenges. In Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity, Vol. 1, no.2 (2022), pp. 147 – 166.
- Japhet, Nai. (2023). The Role of Maasai Women in Traditional Conflict Resolution and Peace-Making: A Case Study in Tanzania. Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies.
- Japhet, Nai. (2022 April 28-29). Addressing Absolute Monarchy to Attain Democracy in Eswatini. Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
- Japhet, Nai. (2022). Addressing the land conflict between farmers and pastoralists in Tanzania. In Journal of Research for International Educators. 1(1).
- Japhet, Nai. (2021). Addressing land conflict between farmers and pastoralists in Tanzania, pp. 4-9 in the Proceedings of the September 22-24, 2021 International Conference of the Consortium for Global Education. Buies Creek, North Carolina: Campbell University.
- Jeong, Cecilia. Peacebuilding in the Digital Age. Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
- Lippincott, Bryon. (November 2024). Cultural and Rhetorical Violence in Cambodia-Focused Anti-Trafficking Films, in Asian Journal of Peacebuilding. Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 205-230 doi: 10.18588/202411.00a444
- Lwin, Moe Thida. (2022 July 23). Conflict of Workplace Safety between Migrant Workers and Factory Workers: Case Study of Garment Factory in Mae Sot, Thailand. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD) under the theme “Disruption, Challenges and Resilience in Contemporary Southeast Asia,” 22-23 July 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Lwin, Moe Thida. (2022 April 28-29). Women’s Informal Participation in the Peace Process in Myanmar 2010-2020. Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
- Lwin, Moe Thida. (2019). “The Labor Market in Mae Sot, 1990-2017 and Thailand’s New Economic Zone Policy” in Hue University Journal of Science, 2019. The publication is from her MBA thesis at Payap University. Moe Thida has since returned to Payap University as a PhD in Peacebuilding student.
- Ottenhof, Robert. (2024-01-29). Jesus’ Principles of Peacebuilding. Prajñā Vihāra: Journal of Philosophy and Religion. DOI:
- Ruiz, Alma. (2022 April 28-29). Muslim, Christian, and Indigenous Discourses on the Peace Framework Agreement in Mindanao, Philippines. Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
- Ruiz, Alma. (2021). Creating Healing Spaces: Reading from the Lens of the Ancient Sacred Texts, pp. 601-616, in the Proceedings of the 10th ICADA. Bangkok: NIDA.
- Saw Alwyn. (2021). The Historiography of Saw Aung Hla and Its Influence on the Modern Karen History Curriculum. Journal of Burma Studies.
- Saw Eh Htoo. (2021). Burmanization.
- Saw Eh Htoo (2016). Small Scale Fishermen in Rakhine State.
- Charlotte Hill, Hayso Thako, Thà Shêê, Ta Thà Moo, Nant Susan Htoo, Eh T’Mwee. (2023 Dec 04). Exploring Karen refugee youths’ aspirations and wellbeing amidst protracted displacement in Thailand. ODI.
- Thako, Hayso. (2023 September 13). Ethnic Education System in Myanmar: Resilience and Responses. UKFIET, Oxford University.
- Thako, Hayso. (2023 February 22). Conflict-Affected Education: A Case Study of Karen Education and Culture Department. CIES, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
- Thako, Hayso (2023). Exploring Karen refugee youths’ aspirations and wellbeing amidst protracted displacement in Thailand. Oversea Development Institute.
- Thako, Hayso (2023). Karen Education in the Thai-Myanmar Border Regions. The Irrawaddy.
- Thako, Hayso, & Waters, Tony. (2023). Schooling, Identity, and Nationhood: Karen Mother-Tongue-Based Education in the Thai–Burmese Border Region. MDPI. Soc. Sci.2023, 12(3), 163;
- Thako, Hayso, & Martin, Staci B. (2022 August 03). Education and Forced Migration: Karen and Kenya: Cultivating Hope into Action in a Higher Education in Emergency Context. IASFM19 – Global Issues, Regional Approaches: Contexts, Challenges, Dialogues, and Solutions. Brazil: International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM).
- Thako, Hayso. (2022 July 22). Grappling with the Lack of Accreditation and Low Resources Amid Growing Demands of Education in Karen State, under the theme, Education for Peace in Conflict-Affected Regions of Myanmar and Thailand: Struggles of Different Ethnic Education Departments. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD) under the theme “Disruption, Challenges and Resilience in Contemporary Southeast Asia,” 22-23 July 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Thako, Hayso. (2022). Interview: “Excluded from Society and Rights: The Experiences of Refugees on the Thai-Myanmar Border.” The Nordic Asia Podcast
- Thako, Hayso, Subin Sara Yeo, and Terese Gagnon. (2020). “Schooling for a Stateless Nation: The Predicament of Education without Consensus for Karen Refugees on the Thailand-Myanmar Border” in the Asian Journal of Peacebuilding.
- Thako, Hayso, & Saw Alwyn. (2022). The Impact of the 2021 Coup on the Thai-Burma Border: Current Situation, Challenges, and Implications. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University Department of Peace Studies.
- Thako, Hayso (2020). Identität und Bildung: Die Karen-Schulen. Südostasien.
- Thako, Hayso, Su-An Oh and Melanie Walker. (2019). “Karen Education and Boundary Making at the Thai-Burmese Border” in the journal Borderlands.
- Thako, Hayso and Su-An Oh. (2019). “Education; A Micro-theater of Ethnic Politics and the Peace Process in Myanmar ” in ISEAS Perspectives from Singapore.
- Thako, Hayso, & Waters, Tony. (2023). Schooling, Identity, and Nationhood: Karen Mother-Tongue-Based Education in the Thai–Burmese Border Region. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12(3), 163;
- Thako, Hayso (2017). ‘Contesting Sovereignty: education and schooling in ceasefire areas of Karen State, Burma’ Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
- Ty, R., & Ruiz, Alma. (2022). Indigenous Peoples, Conflicts, and Peacebuilding: A Case Study of the Aetas of Central Philippines. In Journal of Research for International Educators, 1(1), pp. 17-35.
- Ty, R., & Ruiz, Alma. (2021). Indigenous peoples, conflicts, and peacebuilding: A case study of the Aetas of central Philippines, pp. 10-18 in the Proceedings of the September 22-24, 2021 International Conference of the Consortium for Global Education. Buies Creek, North Carolina: Campbell University.
Peer Mentoring Program
PhD students who have written academic papers which were accepted for presentations in international academic conferences as well as published in international academic journals and international conference proceedings join the roster of Peer Mentors. In this way, they share their experiences, mentor their colleagues, and inspire new PhD students to join their successful journey in academic research, academic writing, peer review process, academic presentations, and publication. We are very proud of our peer mentors. They come from all over the world.
The Roster of Our Peer Mentors, Past and Present:
- Alma Ruiz (Philippines)
- Aung Mya Soe (Myanmar)
- Cathy Chang (U.S.A.)
- Cecilia Jeong (South Korea)
- Hayso Thako (Thailand)
- Lippincott, Bryon (U.S.A.)
- Moe Thida Lwin (Australia)
- Kushelu “Ashe” Chakhesang (Nagaland, India)
- Mon Mon Myat (Myanmar)
- Moon Light Pa Po (Myanmar)
- Nai Japhet (Tanzania)
- Nokchanaro Jamir (India)
- Saw Alwyn (Karen)
- Saw Franklin Aye (Myanmar)
- Saw Than Htut Lynn (Myanmar)
- and more!