Interested in applying for 1) the non-degree certificate program or 2) the Ph.D. degree in Peace Studies at Payap University? Please Contact Us. For customized peace programs, please Contact Us. For information about our latest events, please visit Latest Activities. Thank you.
Medium-Term Plan:
From April 2024 to March 2027
Activities | Objectives |
Workshop for Emotional, Spiritual, and Creative Development of Peacebuilders (Dr Mark; PYU) | to help each person discover their individual sources of strength that can help sustain themselves during difficult times of their peacebuilding work. |
Hybrid Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, & Education •Last Thursday to Last Friday of April every year, 8:30 am to 6 pm (Dr RT; MCC) | Promote academic discussions on the intersectionality of religious, cultural, peace-related, and educational concerns. Advance intercultural goodwill and collaboration. Furnish a venue for scholars-practitioners to disseminate findings and share feedback. Engage in dialogic efforts for building peace in different religions and cultures. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 844 0581 1621 Passcode: 874665 |
Journal of Religion, Culture, and Peace Education, from December 2024; June and December issues annually (Dr RT; MCC) | Circulate academic articles on peacebuilding. Offer a venue for researchers to publish their work. Promote theoretical, evidence-based practices, and theory-building in peacebuilding. |
CANCELED: Exposure and Immersion in the Myanmar-Thai Border with Displaced Persons, Migrant Workers, Stateless Persons, and Refugees (Dr RT) | Raise awareness about displaced persons, migrant workers, stateless persons, and refugees. Foster empathy and cross-cultural understanding. Engage students in humanitarian issues. Field work for research and publication |
CANCELED: Workshop on Nonviolent Communication: 2024 focus: exploring religious resources. 2025 focus: exploring cultural resources. 2026: exploring gender and media sources (Dr Ly) | To help peacebuilders reflect and develop knowledge of what is violent from gross to subtle forms in communication towards the self and others. To explore and practice nonviolent ways of communication towards the self and others based on various sources. |
CANCELED: Exposure, Immersion, and Homestay in a Rural or Indigenous Village (Dr RT) | Facilitate cultural exchange and understanding. Provide students with immersive learning experiences. Support rural or indigenous communities economically. Field work for research and publication |
CANCELED: Inter-Religious Plant-Giving and Tree-Planting Pilgrimage (Dr RT) | Encourage inter-religious dialogue and understanding. Foster environmental consciousness through tree-planting or symbolic plant-giving among people of different faiths. Encourage shared meals and cultural exchange. |
Advanced Coaching in Peace Research and Publication (Dr RT & Dr Ly; MCC) | This project aims to provide advanced coaching and support to scholars and practitioners interested in researching and publishing in the fields of justice and peace. It offers tailored guidance to enhance the quality of academic research and publications and contribute to positive social change. |
Interested in applying for 1) the non-degree certificate program or 2) the Ph.D. degree in Peace Studies at Payap University? Please Contact Us. For customized peace programs, please Contact Us. For information about our latest events, please visit Latest Activities. Thank you.

RCPL Annual Plan for Academic Year August 2024 – June 2025
Projects | Objectives | Project Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Goal | People in charge & Partners |
(-) ICPEACE 1 New Student Orientation. Accomplished! | 1. To welcome and give students necessary information in registration, learning process and expectation, learning sources, thesis preparation, process and defense, and graduation process. | 70% of new students’ attendance | Dr. Ly & Staff PYU Tuesday, August 13, 2024 from 9:00 to 11:00 |
ICPEACE 2 Peace Studies Presents | 1. Create a regular academic environment for PYU faculty, students, and scholars in Chiang Mai. 2. Improve academic ability for faculty and students. | + At least 1 event. + Participation of faculty, students, and public of at least 10 persons. | Dr. RT Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) October 04, 2024, 3-4 PM, Dr Alebachew Kemisso Haybano (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia): Center for Comparative Education and Policy Studies; and Research Chair for Forced Displacement and Migration Studies, Addis Ababa University |
ICPEACE 3 Workshop on Zotero, Online Databases, and Tools | 1. Improve students’ technological skills in their academic research and writing according to the planned outcome of the PhD program. | + 70% of first- and second-year students benefit. + Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above 3.50. | Dr. Ly Dr. RT Bryon Lippincott MCC Wednesday, September 4, 2024 |
ICPEACE 4 Dissertation and Publication Promotion | To create a public forum for PhD candidates to present their thesis progress and gain feedback.To encourage students’ thesis progress and publication through awards. | + At least 1 public seminar + At least 1 student getting thesis award. + At least 1 student getting publication award. | Dr. Ly MCC |
ICPEACE 5 Peer Mentoring Program. Accomplished! | 1. To create a lively academic environment where PhD students are active in sharing knowledge and assisting one another in the doctoral study journey under the guidance of faculty member. | + At least 1 event + Level of satisfaction is above good (3.51) | Dr. RT MCC -Monday, August 05, 2024, 10 AM to 1 PM; -Friday, Aug 23, 2024, 2 PM: IRB Research Ethics for advanced PhD students -Friday, Aug 30, 2024, 2 PM: Proposal Writing |
ICPEACE 6 Certificate Program in Peace Studies | To provide peace education to meet the needs of wider communityTo become a center of learning peaceTo increase income for the university | + At least 4 learners per year + Level of satisfaction is above good (above 3.50). | Dr. Ly & Teaching faculty |
ICPEACE 7 International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education | 1. Promoting research and providing academic service to the community, building network with other academic institutions. 2. Promoting PYU as a center of learning about peace. | + At least 5 presenters from PYU and 20 presenters from outside. + At least 25 participants. | Dr. RT & staff MCC Thursday-Friday, April 24-25, 2025, 8:30 am to 6pm |
ICPEACE 8 Financial assistance programs (TAs, RAs, workstudy) | 1. Increasing the university’s competitiveness by providing students with more financial incentives such as being teaching assistants, research assistants, work-study scholarships, etc. | Yearly target: 1TAs Partial scholarship for 6 PhD students (50,000 baht each). | All Staff MCC |
ICPEACE 9 Monograph Series | To publish in-house knowledge, skills, and attitudes shared by scholars and practitioners on academic and practical matters related to peace studies in general | +At least 1 monograph published online authored by in-house faculty, student, outside scholar or practitioner | Dr. RT MCC & PYU -Peer Mentoring Monograph -Harvard Divinity Visiting Scholar Monograph (subject to permissions to share photos of female monks) -Ongoing |
ICPEACE 10 Advanced Coaching for Research and Publication | Enhance writing skills; critical analysis, research methodologies.Foster publication readiness and success; dissemination of knowledge and practices. Networking and creating supportive writing community | + At least 1 event + At least 5 students benefit. + Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above (3.50). | Dr. RT, Dr. Ly MCC Thursday, Nov. 29, 2024, 8:30 AM to Lunch See past videos: Dr Sarojini Nadar of University of Western Cape, South Africa. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: |
ICPEACE 11 PYU Journal of Religion, Culture, and Peace Education | + Support faculty and students to disseminate knowledge to the world. + Promoting the PHD program and PYU to the international community. | + Have the first issue published in December 2024. | Dr. RT All staff MCC December 2024 |
ICPEACE 12 Independent Peace Research Certificate Program | Offer quality peace research to a variety of learners. | At least 1 student, target 3 students, At least 50% of students have paper accepted for presentation at academic conference. | Dr. Ly and all staff |
ICPEACE 13 Current Events | For timely response to emergent issues of conflict and peace in the international community. | At least 1 event -Pilgrimage to Doi Suthep Sacred Places and Hmong Village | Dr. RT (IRCP Savings); Emergencies & Unplanned Global Events (Conflicts, Wars, Natural & Human-Made Disasters) |
ICPEACE 14 Workshop on Fieldwork and the Use of Atlas.ti in Peace Research Accomplished! Links to Hybrid Meeting | To enhance student understanding of fieldwork and introduce the use of Atlas.ti in qualitative peace research | + At least 1 event +At least 3 students + Students’ level of satisfaction is above good (3.50). | Dr. RT MCC Sept. 13, 2024 Dr Manya Oriel Kagan (University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.): Navigating Conflicting Integration Perspectives: Refugee Commodification and Vulnerability in Primary Schools in Uganda |
ICPEACE 15 Workshop on Q-Methodology and NVivo Links to Hybrid Meeting | To learn about data coding and the construction of typologies based on actual peace research | + At least 1 event +At least 3 students + Students’ level of satisfaction is above good (3.50). | Dr. RT MCC Sept. 20, 2024 Geneviève Greer (Ulster University, U.K.): Perspectives of Practitioners Designing Education Programs in Conflict and Crisis: Exploring Injustices |
ICPEACE 16 Workshop on the Use of Time Horizon in Peace Research Links to Hybrid Meeting | To learn about the use of time horizon to produce nuanced findings which identify distinct time-based trends based on actual peace research | + At least 1 event +At least 3 students + Students’ level of satisfaction is above good (3.50). | Dr. RT MCC Sept. 27, 2024 Dr Hassan Ait Bouzid (Ibn Zohr University, Morocco) |
ICPEACE 17 Workshop on the Use of Datasets and Emerging Themes Links to Hybrid Meeting | To learn about the use of multiple datasets from international organization from which to generate emerging themes in qualitative research | + At least 1 event +At least 3 students + Students’ level of satisfaction is above good (3.50). | Dr. RT MCC Oct. 4, 2024 Camille Elisabeth Fabo Njia (Teachers College; Columbia University, U.S.A.; France; Cameroon): International Organizations’ Educational Programs in Sub-Saharan Conflict-Affected Countries: Band-Aids or Problem Solvers? |
ICPEACE 18 Workshop on the Use of Gephi in Peace Research Links to Hybrid Meeting | To learn about the use of MAXQDA for qualitative data analysis based on actual peace research | + At least 1 event +At least 3 students + Students’ level of satisfaction is above good (3.50). | Dr. RT MCC Oct. 11, 2024 Dr Rui da Silva(University of Porto, Portugal; Guinea-Bissau): Philanthropy and Multi-stakeholder Initiatives in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: Examining the “Global Partnership for Education” and “Education Cannot Wait” |
ICPEACE 19 Marketing and Networking | For the department to build network and market the program | + New brochure + Updated website + At least 1 PR event | All Staff (IRCP Savings & PYU) |
ICPEACE 20 Strengthening Faculty’s Capacities in Peace Education and Research in Myanmar | + Offer academic service to the international community through peace education. + Strengthening faculty’s teaching and research capacities internationally. + Enhance coordination between faculties at PYU (DPS, MCD, & Communication Arts) + Networking with university in Myanmar | + 1 instructor from UGP receives full training by taking courses at PYU. + 6 PYU faculty members gain experience and improved interdisciplinary teaching and offering academic service to international community. + The Myanmar trainees’ satisfaction of the service at 3.50. | Dr. Ly, Dr. RT, Dr. Mark, Dr. Mon Mon, Dr. Oan (MCD), Dr. Benya UB |
ICPeace 21 Monthly Colloquial Peace Discourse for Myanmar | To cultivate culture of peace through public discourse on the important issues related to Myanmar. The ultimate goal of the monthly talk is to create a peaceful society where people have the right to live in dignity and respect. | At least one event a month. Level of satisfaction: above 3.51 | Dr Mon Mon PYU |
ICPEACE 22 Workshop for Emotional, Spiritual, and Creative Development of Peacebuilders | -To encourage students to experience emotion and spiritual growth which aids in their peacebuilding work -To inspire students to think beyond the parameters of abstract theories and concepts in order to be a part of the creative process for positive change | It would meet once a month, 3 hours each, during the first and second semester, starting in the academic year 2024 + All new students participate (100%). + Students’ improved peacebuilding capacity through reflection. | Dr Mark PYU |
Poster of Peace Studies Research for September-October 2024
RCPL Annual Plan for Academic Year April 2023 – March 2024
Projects, Objectives, and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) | |
ICPEACE 1 New Student Orientation: Monday, Aug 14, 2023 1. To welcome and give students necessary information in registration, learning process and expectation, learning sources, thesis preparation, process and defense, and graduation process. > 100% of new students’ attendance (Staff), Monday, August 17, 2023, 9 am. Accomplished. | |
ICPEACE 2 Peace Studies Presents To create a regular academic environment for PYU faculty, students, and scholars in Chiang Mai. 2. Improve academic ability for faculty and students. Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. (Dr RT) What: Gender, Peace, and Conflict Resolution Who: Ajan Anna Christi Suwardi, School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University When: Friday: October 27, 2023, 10:30 – 11:30 AM Where: Hybrid, at the Department of Peace Studies and Zoom: TBA To download the poster, please visit our FB Page. | |
ICPEACE 3 Workshop on Zotero and online databases. Wed, Aug 30, 2023 1. Improve students’ technological skills in their academic research and writing according to the planned outcome of the PhD program. Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. (Dr LNBL). Accomplished. | |
ICPEACE 4 Dissertation & Research Promotion seminar To provide thesis advisors and students an opportunity to gather together to share research progress and gain feedback from peers and advising team for thesis improvement. Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. (Dr LNBL) | |
ICPEACE 5 Peer Mentoring Program Friday, August 25, 2023, 8:30 am to 9:30 am (Peer mentors: Chris, Nai); and, Friday, Sept 1, 2023, 8:30 am to 9:30 am (Peer mentor: Ashe, Alma) To create a lively academic environment where PhD students are active in sharing knowledge and assisting one another in the doctoral study journey under the guidance of faculty member. More than 50% of advisors & advisees participate. Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. (Dr RT), Friday, August 25, 2023, 8:30 am to 9:30 am (Peer mentors: Chris, Nai, Alma); and Friday, Sept 1, 2023, 8:30 am to 9:30 am (Peer mentor: Ashe). Accomplished. Download the Monograph: 2023 Guide to Success in Your Ph.D. Journey. Peer Mentoring Program. | |
ICPEACE 6 Certificate Program in Peace Studies To provide peace education to meet the needs of wider community; To become a center of learning peace; To increase income for the university. Level of satisfaction is above good (3.51). At least 3 learners per year. Level of satisfaction is above good. (Teaching Faculty) BREAKING NEWS: New One-Year Independent Peace Research Certificate Program. Education Visa. Renewable with a new research project. | |
ICPEACE 7 International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education: Thursday-Friday, April 25-26, 2023 1. Promoting research and providing academic service to the community, building network with other academic institutions. 2. Promoting PYU as a center of learning about peace. The number of international presenters from outside PYU is comprised of 50% of the total presenters. (Dr RT, Dr Mark, Dr LNBL) | |
ICPEACE 8 Financial assistance programs (TAs, RAs, workstudy) Increasing the university’s competitiveness by providing students with more financial incentives such as being teaching assistants, research assistants, work-study scholarships, etc. | |
ICPEACE 9 Workshop for Emotional, Spiritual, and Creative Development of Peacebuilders: Once a month, Thursday mornings. To encourage students to experience emotion and spiritual growth which aids in their peacebuilding work To inspire students to think beyond the parameters of abstract theories and concepts in order to be a part of the creative process for positive change. It would meet once a month, 3 hours each, during the first and second semester in the academic year. Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. (Dr Mark) | |
ICPEACE 10 Homestay and Environmental Immersion in a Rural Village: Saturday-Sunday, November 11-12, 2023 The project aims to increase awareness and appreciation for rural life and sustainable practices, increase economic opportunities and livelihood for the local community; enhance cultural exchange and understanding between participants and host families. The project is open to students, faculty, and community members who are interested in experiencing rural life and learning about sustainable practices. Comments and opinion of the participants on average are “good” and above. (Dr RT), Saturday-Sunday, November 11-12, 2023, Khou Kong Home Stay in shared rooming in small mud and wooden hutsin a Lisu Village, Meuang Haeng Sub-District, Chiang Dao District, Chiangmai 50350. Pre-departure orientation at 8 AM, Saturday, November 11, 2023 at the Department of Peace Studies. Departure thereafter. Eleven participants already confirmed (max capacity for homestay & max passengers for a songtheaw). Bring papers and pens or (e-)notebooks for field notes and journaling. Participants are required to submit a written Reflection 3 days after the homestay (Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023) to be posted on our website. Bring your own snacks (and optionally food to share). Bring extra pocket money 1) for coffee and snacks and 2) to buy local produce, if you wish, to bring back to CNX, to rent Lisu traditional clothes, or to purchase small everyday items in a small village all-purpose store. Treat this trip as camping: your shoes, pants, and clothes will be wet and dirty. Beddings will be provided but bring your own conveniences: towel, extra clothes, warm clothes, toiletries, your regular medicines, first-aid kit, (and your own beddings, if you wish). It will be chilly up in the mountains in November. We will sleep on mats on the wooden floor in huts (faculty and students) or on mats on top of the tent tarpauline (community members). Please note that this is a village homestay, not a luxurious city hotel, for our cultural and environmental immersion. Everything will be very modest. We will be back to PYU on Sunday, Nov 12, 2023, and have dinner together. (Dr RT) | |
ICPEACE 11 Workshop on gender-sensitive and non-violent ways of communication in academic environment The project is both research and learning activity. It will be organized once a month from August to December 2023 and bring invited PYU instructors and some international graduates (our PhD students as core + students from other programs) to have in-depth discussions and sharing of experience and knowledge on gender-sensitive and non-violent ways of communication on the campus. Around 5 participants each workshop. Students’ reflection of being benefited from it. (Dr LNBL) | |
ICPEACE 12 Advanced Coaching in Writing for Publication: Second Semester, Jan-April 2024 Enhance writing skills; critical analysis, research methodologies. Foster publication readiness and success; dissemination of knowledge and practices. Networking and creating supportive writing community. This is a writing workshop, not a lecture. Bring and present papers for constructive feedback. Papers to be submitted for publication in academic conferences or journals. (Dr RT) | |
ICPEACE 13 PYU Peacebuilding Journal + Support faculty and students to disseminate knowledge to the world. + Promoting the PHD program and PYU to the international community. (Dr RT) |
RCPL Annual Plan for Academic Year 2022-2023
RCPL 01 Workshop on Meditation for Mental Health | To cultivate mindful peacebuilders for the societyTo create an opportunity for PYU staff, students, and the community to practice inner peace through mind discipline.To make PYU become a center for interfaith and peace practice for the community. | Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. |
RCPL 02 Buddhist-Christian women interfaith dialogue, mutual support, and cooperation for community peacebuilding | To create a regular and committed platform for religious women to build solidarity, mutual understanding, sharing knowledge, skills, and cooperation for building peace.To make PYU become a center for interfaith and peace practice for the community. To cultivate religious wisdom and various skills shared by religious women. | The one-year project aims to benefit 10 Buddhist and Christian women as core and their cooperation in turns will benefit many others in the community through their joint activities and seminars. Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. |
RCPL 03 Financial Assistance Program (TAs, RAs, scholarships) | Supporting the PhD program financially.Increasing the university’s competitiveness by providing students with more financial incentives such as being teaching assistants, research assistants, work-study scholarships, etc. | Yearly target: 2 TAs, 1 RA, and 1 work-study |
RCPL 04 Journalism for Peacebuilding | To experiment with presenting ideas about peace and peacebuilding suitable to the general publicTo interact with the general public through print media | 5-8 articles per year in regional media outlets like The Irrawaddy, Bangkok Post, blogs, and newspapers in other languages. |
RCPL 05 Workshop for the Emotional, Spiritual, and Creative Development of Peacebuilders | To encourage students to experience emotion and spiritual growth which aids in their peacebuilding workTo inspire students to think beyond the parameters of abstract theories and concepts in order to be a part of the creative process for positive change | It would meet 1-2 times a month during the first and second semester, starting in the academic year 2022-2023 Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. |
RCPL 06 Interfaith Dialogue | To be engaged in equal relations and constructive dialogue with people of different faiths with a view for mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistenceTo be involved in positive, collaborative, and productive engagements with communities of different faiths | To organize regular interfaith dialogue with representatives of different religions, to engage in concrete actions that benefit all regardless of differences in religion Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. |
RCPL 07 Intercultural Understanding | To interact with people across cultures, despite our differences, with a view to promote intercultural understanding and harmonyTo take part in field exposure and immersion in the communities of different of different cultural backgrounds | Field exposures and visits to indigenous communities to learn about their daily lives, struggles, hopes, and fears Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. |
RCPL 08 Workshop in Creativity, Innovation, Reflective Practice and Resilience in Peacebuilding | To accompany peacebuilders in the time of crisis, struggles, hardships, and other trialsTo foster creativity, innovation, resilience, and self-sustainability of peacebuilders who face challenges in their work | Interactive workshop on mental health, balance, and resilience Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. |
RCPL 09 Workshop on Storytelling | To appreciate the role of the art of storytelling in conflict transformation To utilize storytelling as a pedagogical tool for conflict peacebuilding | Interactive workshop on storytelling to deal with concrete cases of conflict with a view to building peace Comments and opinion of the participants in average is “good” and above. |
RCPL 10 Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, and Peace | To acquire new insights about the state-of-the-art research in religion, culture, and peaceTo publish such international research outputs in the annual Conference ProceedingsTo utilize the latest research for dissemination and recommendations for policy, action, and further studies | Peer review of proposal and paper submissions Conduct of the annual international conference Publication and dissemination |
*Subject to availability of funds.
For more information about the Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab (RCP Lab), please Contact Us.
Hybrid Second Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education
Co-Sponsor: Consortium for Global Education (CGE), U.S.A.
April 27-28, 2023
- We cordially invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share your cutting edge and state-of-the-art findings of you academic or professional research outputs related to religion, culture, peace, or education. For the 2023 Conference, see Call for Abstract Proposals and Conference Poster. If you have a completed doctorate, please click here to join our International Editorial Review Board which has a roster of international peer reviewers. Coming Soon: Upon finalizing the list of accepted papers, the Program Schedule shall be posted at a later date. See 2022 Book of Abstracts and 2022 Conference Proceedings to give you an idea of writing your 200-word-maximum abstracts. (Chair: DrRT)
Important Dates
Public Announcement | 2022 Jan 15 |
Registration and Submission of Abstract Proposals | 2022 Feb 15 |
Notification of Acceptance | 2022 Mar 1 |
Submission of Final Paper | 2022 Mar 22 |
Hybrid Conference | 2022 Apr 27-28 |
- First Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education scholars and practitioners share cutting edge and state-of-the-art findings of their academic or professional research outputs for lessons learned and best practices. Papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings which is now available as a free of charge e-book for wide research dissemination and utilization. See Call for Proposal. See Conference Poster. See Program Schedule. See Book of Abstracts. See Proceedings. (Chair: DrRT)
- Workshop on Meditation (For more information, please contact Project Leader: Dr Ly)
Meditation for Self-Conquering
1 Sat August 27/2022 | one day course |
Workshop for Eminence
1 Sat/Sept. 3 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 1 -Reasons for Meditation |
2 Sat/Sept. 10 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 2 -Beginning of Meditation -Body-Mind |
3 Sept.17 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 3 -Beginning of Meditation: The Location Point of the Mind |
4 Sept. 24 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 4 – Resistant Factors |
5 Oct. 1 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 5 – Contemplation (Jhana) |
6 Oct. 8 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 6 – Meditation enhances Capability |
7 Oct. 15 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 7- Using Mediation in a Crisis |
8 Oct. 22 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 8- Meditation and Consciousness depend on one another |
9 Oct. 29 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 9- Admonistration as Related to Meditation |
10 Nov. 5 – 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 10- Meditation and World Security |
11 Nov. 12- 9.00-12.00 | Chapter 11- The steps of Samatha-Vipassana / Conclusion |
12 Nov. 19- 9.00-12.00 | Review before examination |
13 Nov. 26- 9.00-12.00 | Examination day |
14 Dec. 3 – 9.00-12.00 | Expression feeling Day |
- Buddhist-Christian Women Interfaith Dialogue, Mutual Support, and Cooperation for Community Peacebuilding (For more information, please contact Project Leader: Dr Ly)
- Blended International Seminar on Multiculturalism, Conflict, Education, and Peacebuilding in Southern Thailand, (Project Leader: DrRT); Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 2 pm.
- Workshop for the Emotional, Spiritual, and Creative Development of Peacebuilders (Project Leader: Dr Mark Tamthai), once a month, 3 hours each time.
- Interfaith and Inter-religious Dialogue and Pilgrimage. RSVP here please asap. First come, first served. Only 10 slots total are available for the Red Car. Free and open to the community. Donations for Lab Activities are Welcome, c/o Ms Kung (Project Leader: DrRT). Note for interreligious dialogue during field visits: Ask questions; Don’t judge; Learn; Don’t assert only you alone have the absolute truth. Upon returning to campus, we will have a simple lunch fellowship reflection and your written reflections will be published in our website. Please post your pilgrimage photos in the Lab website to which we will provide links for viewers and readers. Thank you.
- To those who have signed up to join the field visits, thank you. For all field visits, the Department of Peace Studies, Payap University, Mae Khao Campus is the meeting place, pick up place, and drop off place. We depart at 9 AM. We leave field visit sites around 11:30 AM and arrive at DPS at around 12 noon for fellowship, simple lunch, and sharing of oral and written reflections, which we will post online. The Monk Chat schedule is different, please check the schedule online. Please disseminate this information to others who signed up for the DPS trip, lest I have missed emailing them about these details. If you plan to go directly to the different sites, please let me know ahead of time. Thank you.
2022 Sept 07 Wed, 9:30 am-11 noon | Introductory Opening Activity: Sharing of Interfaith Collaboration in Chiang Mai (via Zoom; ID to be shared to Lab students; for a fee through Lifelong Learning for the community). Contact LLL directly. 1 Dr RT, 2 Alma, 3 Ashe, 4 Chris, 5 Myo, 6 Lea |
2022 Sept 14 Wed, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Ven. Dammananda on Buddhism (via Zoom) (not free; for a fee c/o LLL for donation to the temple). Contact LLL directly. 1 Dr RT, 2 Alma, 3 Chris, 4 Myo |
2022 Sept 22 Thursday, 8AM (Departure) from DPS; Monk Chat starts at 9AM to 11 AM; leave around 11 am to return to PYU DPStudies for lunch fellowship and reflections at around 12 noon | Wat Suandok Monk Chat: 1 Dr RT, 2 Dr Ly, 3 Alma, 4 Chris, 5 Myo, 6 Lea, 7 Aung Mya Soe, 8 Laise. LLL has 17. *Note*: Departure only for this trip is 8:00 AM from the Department of Peace Studies, PYU, Mae Khao campus. Monk chat starts at 9 am. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. LLL had 18 registered and 17 attended. |
2022 Sept 28 Wed, 9 AM (Departure)-12 noon back to PYU | Chang Klan Masjid, Charoen Prathet Rd Soi 13. Muang District Chiang Mai 50100 Chiang Mai Thailand. Opposite Changmai Land. Near Monfort School. *NOT* the mosque in Changklan Night Bazaar area in Halal Street. c/o Ajan Jirachai Srichandorn 0956918320. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. Lunch Fellowship & Reflections upon return to PYU : 1 Dr RT, 2 Ashe, 3 Alma, 4 Myo, 5 Chris (Diana and Tim couldn’t join, as they are still in BKK). LLL has 7. |
2022 October 05 Wed, 8:30 AM (Departure)-12 noon back to PYU | Thai Hindu Ashram. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. Contact person: Saruwata; Tel. 091-858-9639; Address 3.59 Moo, 5 Nongyang Sansai Chiangmai 50210; Map here. Lunch Fellowship & Reflections upon return to PYU : 1 Dr RT, 2 Chris 3 Alma, 4 Myo, 5 Ashe. 7 from LLL. It is Navaratri Day. Twenty priests from all over Thailand will go to the hermitage. There will be an ordination ceremony. In the evening starting 6pm, there will be an interreligious prayer and Navaratri event at Thapae Gate. |
2022 October 19 Wed, 8:30 AM (Departure from DPS Payap University); 9:00 am “mini breakfast” upon arrival, followed by Discussion & Questions & Answers ; from about 11:30 am to 12 noon Sikh “heavy lunch”; around 12 noon back to PYU | Sikh Gurudwara; 134 Chareon Rath Rd., T. Wat Kate, A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50000, Frank Sethi, 092 938 3988; Vanita Sethi, 081-733-5914; Lunch Fellowship & Reflections at the Gurudwara: 1 Dr RT, 2 Dr Ly, 3 Alma, 4 Lea, 5 Ashe, 6 Chris, 7 Myo, 8 Sierra, 9 Hans. LLL has 8. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. |
2022 October 26 Wed, 9 AM (Departure)-12 noon back to PYU; Chiangmai Baha’i Centre +66 53 252 588 GPS: (18.8092604, 98.9991918) | Baha’i Center; contact person: Ms. Lea Gentile; phone: 061-195-0436 Chiangmai Baha’i Center 216 Pa Tan, Tambon Pa Tan, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50300; Lunch Fellowship & Reflections upon return to PYU : 1 Dr RT, 2 Dr Ly, 3 Alma, 4 Myo, 5 Ashe, 6 Chris, 7 Sierra, 8 Lea (host). LLL has 9. Baha’i Holy Day; we will be celebrating the birth of Bahá’u’lláh, the Prophet-Founder of the Bahá’í Faith. It will be a great day for your visit. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. |
2022 11 02 Wed, 9 AM (Departure)-12 noon back to PYU. The church provides lunch. | St. Vladimir Orthodox Church, 4 Srijundon Rd., Changklan sub-District, Mueang Changklan, Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand; Lunch Fellowship & Reflections upon return to PYU. Contact persons: Rev. Fr Pavel. 1 Dr RT, 2 Dr Ly, 3 Alma, 4 Lea, 5 Ashe, 6 Chris, 7 Myo. LLL has 10. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. 063 453 2285; +66634532285; Trip; TripAdvisor; |
2022 11 09 Wed, 9 AM (Departure)-12 noon back to PYU | Seven Fountains (Jesuit) Retreat Center (onsite; confirmed) 97 Huay Kaew Rd, Tambon Chang Phueak, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Mai, Chang Wat Chiang Mai 50300, 053 892 545; Lunch Fellowship & Reflections upon return to PYU : 1 Dr RT, 2 Dr Ly, 3 Alma, 4 Myo, 5 Ashe, 6 Chris. 7 Phyllis, 8 Arthur, LLL has 4. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. Contact Person: Rev. Fr Paul, S.J. |
2022 11 16 Wed 8:30 AM to about 5 PM more or less | Pilgrimage to 4 Doi Suthep Temples (waterfall, Umong, Forest temple, Suthep, Queen’s Garden, Hmong Village) and Beyond. (DPS and RCPL only; whole day; leave 8:30 am from PYU, back around 5 pm): 1 Dr RT, 2 Dr Ly, 3 Myo, 4 Alma, 5 Ashe, 6 Chris, 7 Phyllis, 8 Dawitt, 9 Lea. For all pilgrimages, please dress modestly. Please bring extra clothes if necessary and towels (whole day walking; waterfall; etc.). Thanks to Dr Ly for consenting to give us an orientation to Buddhist doctrines during this trip (not Thai Buddhism as such). 8:30 AM Departure from Peace Studies, Payap University 9:00 AM Wat Sri So Daa Also spelled Wat Srisoda or Wat Sri So Da or Wat Si Soda and also called Wat Phatana Toi Yang 9:30 AM Huay Keaw Waterfall 10:00AM Wat Umong Suan Puthatham (Tunnel Temple) 11:00 AM Wat Palad / Pha Lad (Forest Temple) 12:00 PM Lunch at the foot of Wat Doi Suthep 13:00 PM Wat Phra That Doi Suthep 14:00 PM Buphing Raja Niwet Palace Garden 15:00 PM Hmong Village 16:00 PM Panoramic CNX View and Photos 17:00 PM Back to DPS Payap University |
- Intercultural Understanding exposure, visit to, and immersion in different Thai and indigenous communities, such as Akha, Hmong, Karen, Lahu, Lanna, Lawa, Lisu, Palaung, or others; do things together when opportunities arise (such as tree planting, tilling the soil, planting, harvesting, cooking and sharing a meal together, singing with the youth and the community) (tentatively for academic year 2023) (Project Leader: DrRT)
- Whole-Day Workshop in Creativity, Innovation, Reflective Practice and Resilience in Peacebuilding. (Project Leader: DrRT)
- Jenn Weidman, founder and CEO of Space Bangkok, a reflective practice, peacebuilding, training, and facilitation organization in Bangkok, Thailand
- Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 9 AM to 4 PM (onsite)
- Workshop on Storytelling will be a Thai professor who is an expert on storytelling based on his actual field work, research, publications, and working with communities in Thailand and around the world. Storytelling as a tool in oral history, community research, dialogue, and data gathering. (Project Leader: DrRT)
- Assist. Prof. Dr Prasong Saihong, Mahasarakham University, September 2022
- Second Annual International Conference on Religion, Culture, Peace and Education (Chair: DrRT)
- Announcements: January 1, 2023
- Abstract Submission Deadline: February 1, 2023
- February 15, 2022: Announcement of Acceptance or Rejection
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023
- Hybrid Second International Conference: Thursday and Friday, April 27 and 28 2023
- See last year’s conference report here
- Monograph Series publication of the different non-academic presentations of guest lecturers and Ph.D. students to share widely their knowledge base and professional expertise, such as the
- Ukraine crisis,
- labor migration,
- vocational training,
- refugees,
- and others (Editor-in-Chief: DrRT)
- Encouraging and Bringing Students to Present Academic Papers in International Academic Conferences and publish them in Conference Proceedings (All Faculty Members)
- Publications of Academic Research Papers in Academic Conference Proceedings and Academic Journals (All Faculty Members)
- Others, as they arise
For more information about the Religion, Culture, and Peace Lab (RCP Lab), please Contact Us.
Some Extracurricular Academic Programs of the Department of Peace Studies
- Annual International Conference of Religion, Culture, Peace, and Education (Dr.R.Ty)
- Dissertation Promotion Program (Dr. Ly)
- Peace Studies Present (Dr.R.Ty)
- Peer Mentoring Program (Dr.R.Ty)
- Others, as they arise
Peace Studies Present An International Seminar on Education under Attack: Culture, Resistance, Conflict, Education, National Security, and Peacebuilding in Southern Thailand. Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 13.00 – 18.00 PM, Bangkok TimeCertificates of Attendance Will be Issued upon Request. Hybrid Format. Free Admission. Open to the Public.Onsite Location: Department of Peace Studies Seminar Room. Zoom link will be provided in the online registration form. For more information, please check our FB page. Please Register Online Now. Thank you.

About the IRCP
(1995 to March 15, 2022)
The Institute for Religion, Culture and Peace was founded in 1995 in order to encourage inter-faith dialogue locally and internationally. In recent years, it continues doing this by sponsoring talks and programs at Payap University and elsewhere.
Since 2016, IRCP has focused on supporting the efforts of the Ph.D. students in Peace Studies Dept. to reach out to the community locally and internationally. This is done through a series of talks on campus known as “Payap Presents” and by sponsoring students to attend conferences abroad. One recent example was a trip to Kunming, Yunnan, China, where six PhD students attended “The First International Conference on Ethnology and Anthropology in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region.”
Other activities have been sponsored via the United Board for Christian Higher Education, including the preparation of a manuscript for teaching undergraduate students at Payap University in the General Education program, and sending three students to Mandalay, Myanmar, to conduct a workshop about how to include peace education in the curriculum.
Former directors of the IRCP included Rev. John Butt, Dr. Mart Tamthai, Dr. Joe Manickam, and Dr. Tony Waters